Family Nature Summits are designed to take the stress out of the family summer vacation. No longer do you have to find some place to go that will entertain everyone from your toddlers to your teens to your grandparents. Everyone loves a summit. Adults enjoy their time, enjoying activities of their own with a wide variety of adult programming, from ultra-adrenaline to educational, a side jaunt to cultural and then truly relaxing. Meanwhile, the children are enjoying the learning and adventure of the children’s & teen programs. All youth programs are taught by professionals, with a low teacher to “Summiteer” ratio.

Why a Summit? First and foremost, Summits allow you to explore a region of the United States in a way that would be very difficult to plan on your own. Beyond that, Summits offer:

✓Vetted activities with the best outfitters in the area
 Expert led experiences
✓High quality, age-appropriate children's programming
✓Outdoor and indoor activities 
✓Family activities
✓An atmosphere that encourages meeting new friends
✓Lodging and meals
✓Unforgettable memories
✓Fun, fun, fun