Newsletter-December 2019
The latest news & opportunities from RI C-AIM
Upcoming Opportunities
2020 SURF-Now accepting applications from undergraduates

RI C-AIM is now accepting applications for its 2020 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). Undergraduate students from RI C-AIM's eight partner institutions are encouraged to apply for this intensive, 10-week introduction to scientific research.

For questions, please contact RI C-AIM SURF Coordinator Jim Lemire at [email protected].
RI C-AIM Career Development Program: Winter Intensive
Jan. 15-16, 2020 @Brown

If you're a RI C-AIM graduate student or post-doc, register now for our Career Development Program 's Winter Intensive , led by URI's Metcalf Institute. The Winter Intensive will introduce participants to the dynamics of intentional leadership, productive work relationships in a variety of work settings, and application of this knowledge to job readiness.
Post-Doc Position-Bay Observatory
RI C-AIM is accepting applications for a postdoctoral position in Ocean Observatory Development and Data Analyses . The deadline to apply is Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2020.
Student Spotlight
Annie Innes-Gold, URI
A master's student in Dr. Austin Humphries' lab, Annie won best poster at the Ecopath 35 Years Conference in St. Petersburg, FL earlier this month. She presented her latest RI C-AIM-supported research on food web interactions in Narragansett Bay. Congrats!

Her undergraduate thesis was also recently published. Check it out!

Photo courtesy Dr. Austin Humphries
More Opportunities
URI Research & Scholarship Photo Contest
Deadline: Jan. 31, 2020

URI faculty, students and staff are encouraged to submit a photo or digital image of your own research/scholarship in any field. All entries will be considered for use in University of Rhode Island magazines, websites or other outlets, with credit to the creator.
NSF Grant Opportunity: Microbiome Research
Letter of Intent: Jan. 17, 2020

The National Science Foundation, through the
Understanding the Rules of Life: Microbiome Theory and Mechanisms program,  invites interdisciplinary proposals that develop new frameworks and approaches to generate and test hypotheses about causal relationships within microbiomes.
The News
Digital version of The Current is out!
Check out and share the latest research stories from RI C-AIM through our newly formatted digital version of The Current.
RI C-AIM's newest doctoral recipient & URI student Teresa Mako is highlighted for her work on developing paper-based sensors.
Don't Forget
NSF Deadlines: Be sure to consult upcoming funding/project due dates for faculty and students alike from the National Science Foundation through their web portal .
Grad Student Assistance: If you are a graduate student working on RI C-AIM research, be sure to contact our liaison Alexa Sterling for questions about programming and opportunities.
C-AIM Newsletter Archive: Looking for info from a past C-AIM newsletter? Check out our archived newsletter page !