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This newsletter is published by the members of the 2020 VISION task force. It is circulated to stakeholders in WDSF in order to inform them about efforts under-taken as part of  the 2020 VISION process aiming to 
bring DanceSport to the next level.
Provide the 2020 VISION task force with your feed-back and suggestions regarding the process by e-mail to

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update 01|2014


With its VISION 2012 restructure programme successfully concluded, the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) embarks on the ensuing process that aims to consolidate the organisation and to bring DanceSport to the next level.


WDSF adopts its 2020 VISION as an all-encompassing project that brings significant improvements over the status quo in areas such as governance and sport. Through 2020 VISION, WDSF defines the strategies that make for DanceSport's continued development and growth in popularity to become achievable.


A task force started to work on 2020 VISION in autumn of 2013. Under the guidance of Jean-Laurent Bourquin, an adviser to WDSF, the members singled out those objectives that will get pursued with priority.


During their first meeting in Berlin, GER, the members emphasised the spirit that they uphold as they carry out their respective assignments for 2020 VISION.


"For the Good of DanceSport and the Athletes!"


Another important point was highlighted in Berlin as well. 2020 VISION as a process is designed to collect and consider input received from parties other than the task force members. National Member Bodies, Associate Members and other WDSF constituent groups are invited to provide their feedback every step of the way.


The task force informs periodically about all aspects of the process through the publication of the 2020 VISION update. Read though the first edition and do not hesitate to contact us with your suggestions or comments.



Lukas Hinder

WDSF First Vice-President

VISION 2020 Task Force Leader

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It's All in The Name


What stands for clearsightedness in optometry becomes programme for the World DanceSport Federation.


2020 VISION takes up from where its predecessor left off - at least symbolically - with the inaugural edition of the World DanceSport Games last year.


Read about 2020 VISION on!

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Creating the structures and the policies for WDSF to administrate a constantly evolving DanceSport is assigned priority in the 2020 VISION process.
The authoring of the WDSF Code of Ethics and the installing of the Ethics Commission are among the first steps to be taken.

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Work on Judging System 2.0, efforts to make DanceSport competitions even more compelling for public as well as media, and the constant review of rules, regulations and procedures will continue under the banner of 2020 VISION.
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Coming soon: update 2|2014

Read in the next issue of the newsletter about: Communication, Broadcasting, Marketing
Issue 2 will be circulated at the end of March 2014!