Running for a reason. 

Help SOVA and Area 26 cover 1,900 miles by running, biking, or walking and tracking your miles starting  June 8th . Then join us virtually on  June 13  for a unified Final Mile and Celebration Dance.  Together we can .

$25 to Register  - Race Perks include the 35th anniversary Law Enforcement Torch Run T-shirt, access to SOVA Run Club, Printable Bib, and a Limited Edition Medal*.

*Runners who raise $75 will receive the Virtual Torch Run medal

The Area 26 Team, Cirque du SoreLegs wants you running with US.
Use the registration button below to make sure you sign up for your local team and ensure 50% of the proceeds go to the local program!!
Or, If you prefer to donate rather than run, use the button below!!