2020 Voting Guide
Get Ready to Vote! The 2020 General Election is Tuesday, November 3

Make sure that residents, patients, and staff are prepared to vote!
Don’t wait, start planning today!
While there are many ways to participate in the 2020 Presidential Election, all Marylanders are strongly encouraged to vote by mail due to the COVID-19 pandemic. None of us have navigated an election during a worldwide pandemic or statewide public health emergency such as the one we currently face. Please know that we stand as an active resource to ensure residents, patients, and staff can vote in the upcoming General Election. In addition, for specific questions and assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to the election director at your local board of elections.
Register to Vote by October 13
First, make sure that you and residents are registered by October 13, 2020. Registrations must be up to date with current addresses.

Click here for Maryland’s Online Voter Registration where you can register to vote, request a mail-in ballot, or update your registration.

You may also submit a voter registration application to your local board of elections. It is important to note that your application must be postmarked by the voter registration deadline (October 13) in order to vote in the 2020 General Election.

Want to find out if you or a resident is registered to vote? Click here for the online voter lookup.
Vote by Mail
Please note that the State Board of Elections now refers to absentee ballots as “mail-in ballots” and absentee voting as “mail-in voting.” This change in terminology does NOT change the process of mail-in voting.

Mail-in voting is the best option for both residents and staff in long-term care centers to vote. Any registered voter may vote by mail-in ballot. In order to vote by mail, your request must be received by Tuesday, October 20. There are two convenient ways to request a mail-in ballot:

  1.  Online with a Maryland Drivers license or MVA-issued ID card.
  2. Complete and return this form to your local board of elections.

If you would like to check the status of a mail-in ballot request, please visit the voter lookup website.

Mail-in ballots may be received via mail, fax, or download from the State’s website. Ballots are sent or posted to the website about three weeks before an election.

Once you receive your mail-in ballot, please review the instructions carefully before voting to ensure that you fill the ballot out correctly. Some key points to remember:

  • Use Black Ink to Mark your Ballot
  • Sign the Return Envelope
  • Do Not Sign the Ballot
  • Seal your Return Envelope
  • Send your Ballot using the Postage-Paid Return Envelope

Marylanders are encouraged to return their mail-in ballot as soon as possible. To return your ballot, use the postage-paid return envelope provided. Ballots must be mailed or hand delivered; they cannot be submitted online, by email, or by fax.

  • Mailed ballots must be postmarked on or before November 3, 2020 and received by your local board of elections by November 13 at 10:00 AM. 

Early Voting
Early voting for the 2020 General Election starts on Monday, October 26 and runs through Monday, November 2. Early voting centers are open daily (including Saturday and Sunday) from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM. If you vote in person during early voting, please practice social distancing, hand hygiene, and wear a mask.

Election Day Voting
While everyone is strongly encouraged to vote by mail-in ballot, you may also vote in person on election day. Approximately 350 voting centers will be open on election day. Be sure that you are registered and go to an election day voting center in the county where you live between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM. If you vote in person on election day, please practice social distancing, hand hygiene, and wear a mask. Note that voters will be kept six feet apart and there will be a limit on the number inside voting centers at one time.