Young Adult & Campus Ministries Broadcast Newsletter
2020 YACM Grant Application Submissions are open!

The Episcopal Church invites applications for grants to assist with Young Adult and Campus Ministries throughout the church. This is a three-step process which includes discernment and planning, writing the application, and online submission. This process is designed to help you discern where and how God is calling your community to serve young adults and whether now is the right time to apply for a grant. We hope this process is an invitation for you and your community to consider how the Episcopal Church can minister with young adults on and off college campuses, (including community colleges and tribal college campuses, non-traditional degree programs) in the military, and those who are not in college. 

These grants are intended to provide funding for an Episcopal ministry (or ecumenical ministry with an Episcopal presence) in a diocese, congregation, or college/university that is currently engaging in or seeking a new relationship with young adults on and off college campuses.

Competitive Grant Requirements
Recipient understands that the recipient’s diocese’s failure to pay its assessment in full or to apply for and receive a waiver shall render the diocese ineligible to receive grants or loans from the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society unless approved by Executive Council. In accordance with Canon I.4.6

  • applicant’s diocese pays its full assessment
  • applicant’s diocese has been granted a waiver for years (list) 
  • applicant’s diocese has made application for a waiver but has not been advised regarding a determination
applicant understands that the applicant’s diocese’s failure to pay its assessment in full or to apply for and receive a waiver shall render the diocese ineligible to receive grants or loans from the DFMS approved by Executive Council

Submit your application by going to:

Amount, Duration, and Categories of Grants
A total of $133,000 is available for this cycle, with a total of $400,000 available this triennium. These grants are for the 2019-2020 academic year. Deadline for submitting grants is November 11, 2019. There are four categories of grants:

  • Leadership Grant: to establish a new, restore a dormant, or reenergize a current campus ministry. Grant will range from $5,000-30,000 and can be used over a two-year period.
  • Campus Ministry Grants: to provide seed money to assist in the start-up of new, innovative campus ministries or to enhance a current ministry. Grants $1,000-5,000.
  • Young Adult Ministry Grants: to provide seed money to assist in the start-up of new, innovative young adult ministries or to enhance a current ministry. Grants $1,000-5,000. 
  • Project Grants: to provide money for a one-time project that will enhance and impact the campus or young adult ministry. Grants $100-1,000.

Download the Grant Discernment and Planning, Grant Process and Guidelines, and Grant Application at the link below. Begin your discernment and writing now!

If you have questions, please reach out to your Provincial Coordinator.

Dates to know:
  • The online submission portal will open on October 14.
  • Deadline for applications is November 11 at 10pm eastern time. 

2020 Conference and Planning Team Application

The Young Adult and Campus Ministry Annual Leadership Conference, to be held June 23-26, 2020 in Tucson, Arizona, is an opportunity for Episcopal leaders in ministry with young adults on and off college campuses to meet and connect with one another and to be nourished and nurtured in their ministry.

Our hope is that the participants will:
  • connect and reconnect with others involved in this ministry
  • be better equipped to engage young adults where they live, work and study
  • learn from one another and share resources
  • build upon their skills and networks to assist them in ministry
  • leave feeling that they have feasted at the table and are ready to do the work God has called them to do
Conference participants - both leaders who are new to this work as well as those who have longstanding roots in this ministry - will hear from speakers, focus on intentional conversations, build relationships, and learn from one another.

Participant registration will open in January 2020.

Planning Team
We are inviting those who feel called to help shape this event to apply to be on the Planning Team who will work together to create our program and worship, as well as focus on hospitality and logistics. In order to serve on the planning team, you need to be available for an online meeting in November of 2019 (scheduled once team is chosen), an in-person meeting March 10-13, 2020 in Tucson, AZ, and June 22-26, 2020 for the event. Travel and lodging will be provided for the planning team.

Applications close October 21, 2019. Decisions will be announced the week of October 28.  Click Here to apply to be on team. 

Skills/Gifts The following skills and gifts would be helpful:
  • Ability to welcome all with genuine warmth
  • Compassion for fellow humans
  • Good listener, concise communicator
  • Ability to delegate and follow through
  • Non-anxious presence in the midst of chaos or crises
  • Attention to detail
  • Genuine desire to be helpful to others
  • Humble approach of servant leadership
  • Creative and resourceful approach to planning
EYE Pastoral Care Team

Are you a young adult or adult (at least 19 years of age or older) who would love to support the ministry and work of the 2020 Episcopal Youth Event (EYE20)? Volunteer to serve at the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE20) being held in Washington DC area July 7-11, 2020! You can apply to serve as Dorm Crew, Event Team, or Medical Care Team. All of these roles support the ministry and work of EYE20 and are managed by the Pastoral Care Coordinators, The Rev. Shannon Kelly, The Rev. Rich Clark, and Lauren Wainwright. See the skills/gifts, qualifications, and job descriptions in the link below for more information. You cannot be a part of your diocesan delegation and volunteer for any part of the Pastoral Care Team.
Deadline for submission is October 20, 2019.

Click this link for more information and to apply.
Is your Ministry on the Map?
Is it current info?

In order for folks to stay connected and be able to find your ministry, we encourage you to check out your listing on the map and make sure it is current. If you are not yet on the map or if you have changes, just click on the link at the bottom of the map that says, "Something missing? Suggest a place for this map." OR if you are already on the map, you can submit changes.

Helping Young Adults Connect

In an effort to help young adults connect with ministries, communities, and churches when they move, we have a Referral Form online. Either the young adult can fill it out or someone can fill it out on their behalf. When we get a referral, the YACM Office and Council works to connect them with folks in their area.

If you are a young adult (or know a young adult) who is looking for community and relationship as you explore your faith and way in life, we want to help you find a connection to a ministry, chaplaincy, local clergy person, leader, or organizer. We know that finding a community can be a daunting and overwhelming task. By filling in this form, we will do our best to connect you to a congregation, young adult ministry, campus ministry, or other kinds of ministry near you.

Reaching out to Student Athletes

Following conversations that were begun at the Uncharted Conference this past summer, we are inviting anyone to join a call if you are interested in reaching out to student athletes, have reached out to student athletes or have experience in this area. If you would like to be included in the next call, please email Kelsey Davis or Shannon Kelly.

The Rev. Shannon Kelly
Officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministries
646-285-8445 (cell)