Happy New Year!
As an active participant in the Partnership for Food Safety Education, you are starting out 2021 with a major advantage —
a commitment in place for supporting the health of Americans, with solid planning to back it up, and aligned colleagues to ensure an enjoyable journey to success.
You will want to join your colleagues at the next PFSE Partner meeting on Thursday, Feb. 4 from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Eastern.
There’s so much underway right now that I’m only able to give a quick overview. Be sure to be at next week's meeting for discussion on these actions:
As the pandemic continues, more families are handling meal preparation, meal delivery and take-out meals at home. Food safety guidance is so important to maintaining good health in American households.
With you, we’re ready to step up to this challenge in 2021.
Thank you, and see you on Feb. 4!