Back-To-School Newsletter ~ 2021-2022
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year
Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year. This annual Back-To-School Newsletter is an opportunity for you to learn more about our school community. This year we continue to offer this communication in a format that provides the maximum amount of information on topics of interest with ease of accessibility.

Please take a moment to visit each link to learn more about our ten schools and three districts, and become part of our one community of learners.

Superintendent's Message
Dear Parent(s), Guardian(s), and Community Members:

A common theme shared with me when connecting with parents, faculty, staff, and colleagues during the summer, is excitement to return to some sense of normalcy compared to the 2020-2021 academic year. I too look forward to spending more time as a learning organization focusing on students' experiences in our schools and classrooms and less time managing the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

The District's work is guided by its Strategic Plan, Vision 2026: Educate, Challenge, and Inspire, and the five strategic objectives identified in the Plan: Empowering Learners, Equity of Opportunity, Healthy and Balanced Learners, Educator Learning and Leadership, and Finance and Operations to Support Teaching and Learning. The District's theme for the 2021-2022 school year is The Power of Connections and is directly connected to Healthy and Balanced Learners. Our ten schools, three districts, and one community of learners will center on the theme and the essential question, "What connections can I make?" Students, faculty, staff, and families will be asked to think about what connections they can make to ideas, people, community, and the world.

Ensuring students are connected to friends, school, and community is critical to achieving healthy and balanced learners. Research has proven that students' success in school is directly connected to their belief that adults care about them as individuals and as learners. District faculty and staff will focus on ensuring that academic expectations are linked to supports, that ALL students have positive adult relationships, and that students believe they are safe physically and emotionally. By focusing on student connections, scientific evidence supports that student motivation, academic performance, and overall health and wellbeing are positively impacted.
Making connections with our students is a community responsibility; it benefits our students and helps with overall community health and well-being. Dr. Vivek H. Murthy served as the 19th and 21st Surgeon General of the United States. In 2017, Dr. Murthy focused his attention on chronic stress and isolation that have profound implications for health, productivity, and happiness. In his recent book, Together, he speaks about the power of connections and friendship and that adults who feel connected to friends and community are happier and healthier. Dr. Murthy writes,  

"Everyone, at virtually every stage and station of life, needs friends. Friendship, in essence, is the social glue that keeps couples, families, kindred spirits, and communities together. It's fundamental to successful professional, as well as personal, relationships. Yet, some people have more difficulty than others when it comes to making and keeping friends, and this obstacle can raise the risk of loneliness. On the other hand, those who are skilled at friendship may have a natural defense against prolonged or severe loneliness."
As we embark on the 2021-2022 academic year, our focus on student connections is essential. As we emerge from a year where social isolation has been the experience for many of our students, it is critical that students are connected to their peers, educators, coaches, families, and communities. It does not have to involve great complexity, as Richard Weissbourd, psychologist, senior lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, shared, "If every person who's in pretty good shape can make a commitment to reaching out to one person they are concerned might be lonely once a week, that would be a good thing." I invite all families and community members to join this essential work. 

Thank you, and I look forward to our future connections as we travel through the 2021-2022 school year.


Gregory L. Martineau
Superintendent of Schools
District Strategic Plan
Vision 2026: Educate, Inspire, Challenge
(Click image below for more details)
New Start Time Launch
The Public Schools of Northborough and Southborough is launching a new Start Time Configuration on the first day of school, Wednesday, September 1, 2021. To help support our families, Jean Pinto, Transportation and Registration Assistant, is available to answer questions and support transportation requests.
On August 27, 2021, the District will communicate with families the final bus assignment, which will include bus number, bus stop, and address. The bus routes will be posted to the District website on August 25, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact Keith Lavoie, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, or Jean Pinto, Transportation and Registration Assistant.
District Launching an Equity Audit
The Public Schools of Northborough and Southborough is excited to announce it has officially started an equity audit process with our partner, Mass Insight Education & Research. Throughout this process, Mass Insight will gather and analyze data and evidence around the ways in which students, families, community members, and staff experience the district’s core values and learning opportunities for ALL students.

During back-to-school events and the first few months of the upcoming school year, you will hear more about ways to participate in the equity audit and make sure that your voice is heard in the process.

Throughout this process, everyone’s participation is critical to understanding the ways our district can continue to create more equitable, inclusive, and accessible learning and work environments for each member of our community. So please be on the lookout for ways to make sure your voice is heard in our district equity audit.

Rhoda Webb
Director of English Learners and Equity
2021-2022 COVID-19 Protocols
(Click table below for details)
Subscribe to
School Safety
School Committee Information
Food Services Information
The Food Services Department is happy to announce that the USDA has determined that ALL school meals for the 2021-2022 school year will be FREE. This is a continuation of what students experienced last year. 

The Food and Nutrition page on the District website includes information about MySchoolBucks, menus, and access to the ONLINE Free and Reduced Lunch Application. 

The Public Schools of Northborough and Southborough encourage ALL families to participate in free lunch this year.

If you have any questions, please contact Keith Lavoie, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Kyle Parson, Food Services Manager for K-8, or Dianne Cofer, Food Service Manager for Algonquin Regional High School.
Ten Schools, Three Districts, One Community of Learners
Northborough-Southborough Regional School District
Sean Bevan
79 Bartlett Street
Northborough, MA 01532
I hope that all of the members of our school community are having a wonderful and relaxing summer! The Algonquin Regional High School's primary goals are to energize students about being back in school, to implement systems to identify gaps in their mastery of skills and content, and to restore many of the elements of the high school experience that make it an enjoyable and memorable one. 

Faculty, staff, and I look forward to meeting those students who are joining us this year at the high school from Trottier Middle School, Melican Middle School, and from other schools and communities. And, we are excited to see our rising 10-12 graders return to school with the enthusiasm that was difficult to achieve in the past year.
One of the most pleasantly surprising things we heard from students this past year was that the past year reminded them of just how much they enjoy being in school, in person. It is that kind of energy that I look forward to seeing again in September.

Cathleen Carmignani
Assistant Principal
Timothy McDonald
Assistant Principal
Andrew McGowan
Assistant Principal
Northborough K-8 Schools
Jennifer Wright
76 Lincoln Street
Northborough, MA 01532
Lincoln Street School’s mission is to prepare our students to become lifelong learners in a nurturing environment with high expectations for academic, social and emotional development. We are grateful for the strong partnerships that we share with our families and dedicated volunteers. We intend for our students to become responsible, respectful and productive citizens in an ever-changing, diverse society. We strive to create learning experiences that encourage and extend individual talent, creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving and curiosity. We aim to develop students who believe that hard work ignites their ability and turns it into accomplishment.

Mary Coakley
31 Maple Street
Northborough, MA 01532
The Peaslee School is a positive, student-centered learning community committed to nurturing students’ love of learning. Meaningful experiences building our students' academic and social/emotional growth are provided. We design learning experiences to allow active and collaborative learners to develop the skills and knowledge needed to reach their potential. We believe the highest achievement occurs when students learn in a safe, and respectful environment that celebrates the differences among us.
Alana Cyr
26 Jefferson Road
Northborough, MA 01532

The Fannie E. Proctor School takes great pride in the relationships that we cultivate with students and families in a supportive and caring environment. These partnerships allow all of our students to excel and succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. Our vision is that every child who leaves Proctor will have the tools, knowledge, and character to attain personal success and continue on a path of lifelong learning while serving others. The Proctor School strives to create a school community that promotes flexible and creative thinking skills, ongoing collaboration, and problem solving. Proctor students are encouraged to embrace and value differences, be curious, and ask questions. Our Proctor Pride is evident in how we take care of ourselves, each other, our school, and the world around us.
Amy Souls
33 Howard Street
Northborough, MA 01532
The Marion E. Zeh School focuses on forging strong relationships between families, students, and staff. This collaborative nature inspires growth for all stakeholders academically and socially-emotionally. As a community, we celebrate our diversity and commitment to an inclusive learning environment. Together we promote an engaging and motivating learning environment. We look forward to welcoming both our new and returning families to the 2021-2022 school year. As always, "Together we are #ZEH-STRONG. 

145 Lincoln Street
Northborough, MA 01532
At the Robert E. Melican Middle School, we understand the unique challenges of middle school and strive to help all students feel connected, supported, and safe, as they develop academically, socially, and emotionally. Our mission is to pursue the highest level of educational excellence for all students by offering choices in student learning activities, and in the rich and varied before and after school clubs and activities we offer. Every individual at Melican is valued, respected, and included in our community, and we are committed to providing a balanced and rigorous education. We are looking forward to the new school year. 
Michelle Karb
Jennifer Callaghan
Assistant Principal
Southborough K-8 Schools
Clayton Ryan
60 Richards Road
Southborough, MA 01772
Welcome to the Mary E. Finn Elementary School. We are an early childhood school that supports a whole-child approach to learning. We believe that in order for every child to succeed they need to feel emotionally and physically safe, secure, and valued. We believe that a foundational aspect to helping all of our students succeed is the need for genuine, positive connections with our staff. We also believe every student is unique and learns at their own pace and we are responsible for meeting each student where they are at. Please visit our school to see first-hand what makes the Finn School such a wonderful learning environment.

Steven Mucci
28 Cordaville Road
Southborough, MA 01772
It is the mission of the Albert S. Woodward Memorial School to maximize academic achievement, social responsibility, and lifelong learning by attending to the intellectual and developmental needs of individual students in supportive classroom environments. In partnership with families, community members, and stakeholders, Woodward School supports students in both their social-emotional and academic learning. The Woodward School is a place that recognizes and values the strong support of the Southborough Community. It is this shared commitment to our students and families that make Woodward such a special place.
Kathleen Valenti
53 Parkerville Road
Southborough, MA 01772
The Margaret A. Neary Elementary School’s mission is to provide a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment, which embraces the diversity of all students. Each member of our Neary community works together with a shared commitment and goal of providing rich learning experiences focused on the academic, social and emotional growth and success of all learners. We strive to establish a community that fosters each child’s maximum potential as a kind, independent, and motivated learner. We are One School, One Team who understands the most important part of each child’s academic journey is a strong team that believes in the collective responsibility and ownership of all children. Our school motto is to #CHOOSEKIND and is quite visible in all that we do! We are very much looking forward to the 2021-2022 academic year when we join together as one community of curious, creative, and inspired learners! 
P. Brent Trottier Middle School
49 Parkerville Road
Southborough, MA 01772
Trottier Middle School fosters the academic and social growth of all students. Our students engage in a well-rounded and dynamic academic program that develops their multiple and diverse talents and interests. A variety of teaching methods and approaches are embedded to achieve a shared goal of success for all students. Our vision is rooted in a community where all members feel respected, supported, and safe. Trottier students are encouraged to become critical thinkers and independent learners to maximize their potential. 
Gary Hreschuk 
Stacy Mahoney
Assistant Principal
Northborough and Southborough Early Childhood Program
Early Childhood Program
Office Location: Mary E. Finn School
60 Richards Road
Southborough, MA 01772
Jennifer Henry
Early Childhood Administrator
The Northborough/Southborough Public Preschool Programs, located at the Mary E. Finn School in Southborough, MA provides a rich learning environment for all students, with and without special needs. Our inclusive classrooms are dedicated to ensuring that all children learn and develop in a caring, supportive, developmentally appropriate, and fun-filled environment. Additionally, our strong staff and flexible learning models allow us to individualize programming for students in order to help all children reach their fullest potential. 
Meet the Central Leadership Team
Office of the Superintendent of Schools
53 Parkerville Road
Southborough, MA 01772

Gregory Martineau
Superintendent of Schools

Stefanie Reinhorn, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning

Keith Lavoie
Assistant Superintendent of Operations

Rebecca Pellegrino
Director of Finance

Heather Richards, Esq.
Director of Human Resources

Marie Alan
Director of Student Support Services

Deborah Lemieux
Assistant Director of Student Support Services

Kathleen Clark
Assistant Director of Student Support Services

Julie Doyle
Director of Instructional Technology
and Digital Learning

Maurice Myrie

Chief Information Officer/
Chief Information Security Officer

Mary Ellen Duggan
District Wellness Coordinator
and Nurse Leader

Jennifer Lipton-O'Connor, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Social-Emotional Learning
Coordinator, PreK-12

Megan Kielty
English Language Arts (ELA) 
Coordinator - PreK-8

Rhoda Webb
Director of English Learners & Equity

Dianne Cofer
Algonquin Manager of Food Services

Office Location: Algonquin Regional High School
79 Bartlett Street
Northborough, MA 01532

Kyle Parson
Northborough and Southborough Manager of Food Services

Office Location: Office of the Superintendent
53 Parkerville Road
Southborough, MA 01772
Parent and Community Organizations
(Click on images to find out more about our partners in education)
"Ten Schools, Three Districts, One Community of Learners"
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