A Destination for Education

AUGUST 3, 2021
Fremont Re-2 School District
2021-2022 COVID Protocols

Our district will align all protocols to mitigate the spread of COVID and other communicable diseases with local public health recommendations. These include promoting frequent hand washing, ensuring good ventilation, encouraging activities outside, implementing social distancing measures to the extent possible, and asking sick students and staff to stay home.  

We recommend that everyone in our schools wear a mask, but we are not requiring the wearing of face masks.

Federal law requires that everyone on public transportation wear masks. School buses are considered public transportation. Please talk to your child about wearing their mask while riding the school bus. 

Please contact our school nurse, Joan Borre at or by calling 719-784-2822 for assistance with access to the vaccination or to report and discuss COVID symptoms. 

For complete details on our district COVID protocols, please visit our website at All district COVID protocols are subject to change based on the level of community vaccination and spread of disease rates. 

We look forward to seeing everyone very soon. Take care, Dr. Krage Supererintendent

District Facebook Page ~ Fremont RE-2 School District
Florence High School
Fremont Elementary School
Penrose Beavers Elementary School

Fremont RE-2 School District | 719-784-6312 |