2021 5-11 A Global Voice of Peace
Memorial Day-May 31
Forgetting our history will keep us bound to repeating it!
(Contraries To Life Itself)
Hidden Hurt by Ron Bell- 5-6-21

Many of us, 
maybe most of us, 
separately individually
suffer from heart and soul wounds,
some terrifyingly conscious,
some intentionally repressed.
Historically and communally
identifiable groups of folks
like Native Americans
African Americans
and such “others”
By our great nation
yes America the Great
founded on genocide and slavery
Scars, pain and trauma,
violations against persons
is defiant opposition to Life itself.
Such individual, intergenerational, collective
trauma in searing anguishing cries echo 
fire-like branding our genetic memory
throughout all human life’s DNA
Hurt, anger, yearning for fairness, inclusion, visibility
continues to spark, bubble-up, flare in molten fire
down, down, down
hardening into stone
unrecognized hidden holocaust.
Things Hidden...
We try to forget and erase…but can’t… they are archived deep within the caverns of our being. Healing those deepest wounds may come from remembering, reminding, honoring, and searching for new ways of renewal to make peace with ourselves and others.~Gylian Solay
9 Holocaust Survivors came together to send you a message.
It’s unforgettable!
General Dwight Eisenhower: 
When he found the victims of the death camps he ordered all possible photographs to be taken, and for the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead. He did this because he said in words to this effect ...

'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some b*st*rd will get up and say that this never happened'  
Gylian’s Experience:

When I lived on the Big Island, HI, a Jewish Cantor spoke at the local High School recanting the horrors of being a tortured prisoner at Auschwitz. He had posters with newspaper photos of him behind Mengele and other Nazi Officials.

The Cantor's entire family were killed and he asked God, “Why am I alive?” 10 yrs later, he read about a professor teaching the Holocaust never existed. The Cantor vowed to share his experience everyday.
Normandy Remembered

9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the Sand on Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day on September 25, 2013
A large percentage of our country doesn't know of or care about Normandy, perhaps even being removed from the text in History Books. British artist Jamie, and 500+ volunteers, took to the beaches of Normandy with rakes and stencils in hand to etch 9,000 silhouettes into the sand. These silhouettes are a stark visual reminder of those who died during the D-Day beach landings at Arromanches on June 6,1944 during WWII. - Kathy Cadden (facebook)
Will Continue On The 11th Of Every Month
As A Reminder, A Practice, A Belief, An Activity,
That A New Way Will Be Realized
Please pass this on in any way you can….

On this day
May we hear the sounds of Peaceful Silence
As we pray
For all Countries, Lands, Cultures, and Peoples from All walks of life,
To lay down the Arms of Battle
Lift up their Arms of Peace...
Embrace the wondrous Diversity of us All
Behold the awesome Oneness of Creation....

A Global Voice of Peace
Invites You to
11 minutes of Prayer at 11 am New York Time ...
11 represents the date and is a symbol of the 2 World Trade Towers side by side,
11/11 is also a symbol of Peace

SEND OUT every ounce of your LOVE'S LIGHT as ONE PEOPLE
to the sites in New York, Pentagon, Pittsburgh, 
and wherever there is war

A GLOBAL VOICE of Love's Light EMBRACING all those spirits buried there,
those who are injured, their families, and
the planet who have suffered a great loss

EMANATE from those sites out
to the far reaches of the UNIVERSE
with an energy so powerful
that it will shift the planet's axis

Blessings on our Planet...In Peaceful Spirit...Gylian Solay, MS 
My good friend and mentor, Dr. Jean Houston, supports this initiative
Contact: [email protected]