25 march 2021

Le Journal

Special edition

From academie LAfayette

A Unique Privilege and Responsibility

Dear AL Families,

Following the AL Board of Directors' bylaws, the Conseil d'Ecole will start the candidate selection process for the parent-elect board member. The Conseil d'Ecole is an advisory body composed of teachers, parents, principals, and administrative leaders. The CE will interview all the candidates and select the top two to be submitted to the parents for election. This is an important and rewarding role that impacts the education of every child. The strength of our school is in part because of our committed and experienced Board of Directors. See here the role and responsibilities of the AL board of directors.
According to our bylaws, parents at our school have the opportunity to elect two members of the board for a three-year term. These elections are staggered so that the two parent-elected directors have overlapping terms. There will be an election for one position in May 2021. If you would like to be considered for candidacy, please send your resume and a letter to the Conseil d'Ecole that:
  • Tell them about yourself.
  • Share why you would be a good candidate for the Board of Directors.
  • What do you bring to the table that is unique to you?
The deadline for submitting letters is Friday, April 16, at 4:00 pm. Please email them to: Carlos McClain at [email protected].

The process and schedule for election can be found here.

Please remember, all board members serve on behalf of the school. Parent-elected board members do not represent the parents or any other constituency. They have the full privilege and responsibility of governing our school.

Thank you for your strong support of our school.

Oak Street Campus
6903 Oak Street
Kansas City, MO 64113
Armour Campus,
201 E. Armour Blvd, 
Kansas City, MO 64111 

Cherry Street Campus
3421 Cherry Street
Kansas City, MO 64109