Issue Eight | October 2021
Thank you for donating!

The City of Brampton’s second annual Backyard Garden Program is now complete, with 6,946 lbs of produce donated to residents in need from April to October 2021. Thank you for your participation and helping our community!
The Backyard Garden Program, chaired by City Councillor Doug Whillans, and facilitated by the City’s Parks Maintenance and Forestry division, launched in April 2020, as the first program of its kind in Canada in response to COVID-19. It is an extension of the City’s existing Community Gardens program. The program provided food resources for the Mayor’s COVID-19 Social Support Task Force, which facilitates necessary social supports for communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.
The City of Brampton thanks its supporters Scotts Canada Limited, Mattamy Homes, Great Gulf, Paradise Developments, TACC Holborn Corporation, and Fieldgate Developments for making this program possible.
The City also thanks the Brampton Horticultural Society and the Chinguacousy Garden Club for providing gardening tips for this monthly Backyard Garden Club e-newsletter.