December 28, 2021View as Webpage

In The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World, which Archbishop Tutu co-wrote with the 14th Dalai Lama, he said generosity is the best way to become joyful.

"The Dead Sea in the Middle East receives freshwater, but it has no outlet, so it doesn't pass the water out. It receives beautiful water from the rivers, and the water goes dank. I mean, it just goes bad. And that's why it is the Dead Sea. It receives and does not give. In the end, generosity is the best way of becoming more, more, and more joyful"

Clara Simms joyfully caring for
Our Common Home--Earth.
Grateful for our community and so much work in 2021
Thank you and
Help Us Continue our work together---Loving the WorldView as Webpage

As all of our religious traditions and the poet Mary Oliver say, "Our Work is Loving the World.". Our specific loving engages the community to work for climate justice.

Your prayers, work and financial donations make this a collective work of Active Love. Thank you!

This year ends with many of us feeling a gray cloud hovering. We wonder if life will ever be fully joyful again. But this week as we said goodbye to Archbishop Desmond Tutu, we remember that his struggle for justice lasted decades. We remember his prophetic actions and moral leadership and hear his joyful laugh that punctuated his life's work. Manjeet Kaur Tangri & Rachel Sternheim

We honor many who have gone before us this year whose lives of giving make our lives possible and are lights of joy. Manjeet Kaur Tangri, of the the Sikh community pictured here with Rachel Sternheim of Congregation Albert, Albuquerque was one of those lights in our world. We are grateful for her initiative---Interfaith Forest of Bliss.

We are grateful for each of you and your generosity in so many ways to care for Our Common Home. Please read our end of year letter and short report that describes some our work in 2021. Thank you for your end of year tax-deductible donations and your prayers.

Much peace and grace as we journey together in the beloved community.
Peace and joy,

Sr. Joan Brown,osf
Executive Director