The mask guidance previously established as part of the 2020 Health Protection Protocols is updated as follows, in accordance with recent updates to DOD's Force Health Protection Guidance, Supplement #17 Revision 1:
1.1. Mask requirements inside a customer’s residence remain in place regardless of vaccination status.
1.2. Fully vaccinated personnel may remove their mask while outside the customer’s residence in accordance with state or local guidelines.
1.3. Non-fully vaccinated individuals must continue to wear a mask while working outside the customer’s residence.
1.4. Unmasked, fully vaccinated personnel should be prepared to show proof of vaccination (CDC vaccination card or other medical documentation, hard copy or digital).
Please also note that previous Health Protection Protocols are still in effect, including the TSP Certification of Health Protection Protocols document, that must be presented to the customer before beginning work.
We will continue to advise our agents and haulers as the DOD reviews the implication of new CDC guidance. If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact Agency Services at