On Dec. 6-10, Lancaster High School participated in Inclusive Schools Week along with thousands of schools across the country. It was a week full of activities involving watching, listening, learning, leadership-building and practicing what it means to be inclusive.
Each day started with the morning announcements led by different Inclusivity Team members. They shared why they joined the team, a quote, a Word of the Day and a challenge to complete. For example, on the first day:
The word was inclusive.
The quote of the day was, "We want a culture that is inclusive of everyone and where everyone who joins feels they have opportunities to succeed and grow,” by Nellie Borrero.
The challenge of the day was to introduce yourself to one new person. Go out of your way today to ask someone to sit with you at lunch, tell someone good morning or check in on someone you don’t know.
Another activity that students participated in was writing on a Post-it, "I AM __" and putting it on the cafeteria wall during lunch periods. The idea behind this was to show although we have differences, in the end, we are all Gales.
Lastly, the Inclusivity Team members and broadcasting students worked together to meet students all around the building and asked them to share their "I ams". The finished product was a video that encapsulates that same message - although we have differences, in the end, we are all Gales. Click here to view the video.
Thank you to our administration, staff members, Inclusivity Team members and students for making this week-long celebration a success. While Lancaster City Schools has always valued and practiced inclusivity, that week was a great reminder of how important it is to be intentional with our words and actions every day.