December 14, 2021
Your News from Lancaster City Schools...
2021 Inclusive Schools Week
On Dec. 6-10, Lancaster High School participated in Inclusive Schools Week along with thousands of schools across the country. It was a week full of activities involving watching, listening, learning, leadership-building and practicing what it means to be inclusive. 

Each day started with the morning announcements led by different Inclusivity Team members. They shared why they joined the team, a quote, a Word of the Day and a challenge to complete. For example, on the first day:

The word was inclusive.

The quote of the day was, "We want a culture that is inclusive of everyone and where everyone who joins feels they have opportunities to succeed and grow,” by Nellie Borrero.

The challenge of the day was to introduce yourself to one new person. Go out of your way today to ask someone to sit with you at lunch, tell someone good morning or check in on someone you don’t know.

Another activity that students participated in was writing on a Post-it, "I AM __" and putting it on the cafeteria wall during lunch periods. The idea behind this was to show although we have differences, in the end, we are all Gales. 

Lastly, the Inclusivity Team members and broadcasting students worked together to meet students all around the building and asked them to share their "I ams". The finished product was a video that encapsulates that same message - although we have differences, in the end, we are all Gales. Click here to view the video.

Thank you to our administration, staff members, Inclusivity Team members and students for making this week-long celebration a success. While Lancaster City Schools has always valued and practiced inclusivity, that week was a great reminder of how important it is to be intentional with our words and actions every day.
Lancaster High School 2021 Holiday Concert
The Lancaster High School Choral Music Department presents their 2021 Holiday Concert at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 15 in the Lancaster High School Auditorium.

The concert will feature over 200 LHS students in four choirs, as well as several soloists. 

Admission is just $3 and is open to the public.

Come out and celebrate the sounds of the season with the LHS Choirs!
Lancaster High School students, deputies help deliver Christmas to families in need
This past week, several Lancaster High School students and staff participated in the school's annual Adopt a Family shopping event, along with Fairfield County Sheriff's Office deputies, to purchase holiday gifts for families that could use extra help this season.

The sheriff deputies worked with students to find items on the children's wish list, as well as purchase items for students with special needs at LHS. In total the students bought for 36 individual children.

"The look on their faces really pulls at your heartstrings. There's extra pressure on families to have a good Christmas, and that isn't always possible. This is my third year being involved, and it always puts a smile on my face," Deputy Paul Robberts said. "We have great community partners that make this possible, like Powers Trucking and Walmart. It's great to see everyone come together to help out."

LCS segment on Down Home With Tina
Lancaster High School Physics/ Biomedical Science teacher, Mr. Jeff Wells and student, Campbell Noland were recently featured on Down Home With Tina.

Check out the show here!
Hiring Now!
Lancaster City Schools is currently hiring for several job positions.

See all vacancies and apply here.

Please share to those who might be interested.
What's Happening in Our Schools...

Congratulations to our DARE essay winners!

These students had the honor of meeting Lancaster Mayor David Scheffler, Service Safety Director Paul Martin and Lancaster Police Department Chief Adam Pillar!

Thanks to Officer Sims for educating our students on making great choices in life!

This week is spirit week for Tarhe Trails! On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, show your school spirit and dress up in the themes listed above.

The 3rd and 4th grade were recently visited by Alley Park! The 3rd grade enjoyed a presentation on amphibians, and the 4th grade enjoyed a presentation on animal defenses. Both of these topics supported the 3rd and 4th grade learning standards in both science and language arts.

Thank you Alley Park for a fun day of learning!

Are you looking for a way to give back this holiday season? Mt. Pleasant Elementary School is collecting non-perishable food items and non-food items (listed above) for the LLS Fairfield Food Pantry.

Please bring your donations to school between now and this Friday, Dec. 17.

Thank you for supporting our community!

Check out Tallmadge's December newsletter filled with tons of great information, including a message from the principal, important reminders, tech tips and more!

Ohio Wesleyan University is hosting a week-long residential summer camp called OWjL Camp for gifted and talented students currently in grades 6, 7 or 8.

If interested, please visit their website for more information.

If you have questions about your student's eligibility for the camp, email Allyson Otto or Ashley Jones.

Congratulation to 6th grader Gabriel Lehman for receiving a Certificate of Appreciation from the Lancaster Police Department for helping a toddler that was lost from his parents. We love seeing our Gales make a difference outside of the classroom!

Congratulations to our 2021 National Honor Society recipients who were recognized on Dec. 6.

To see a recording of the ceremony, click here.
December 20-31: Holiday Vacation | No School
December 21: Board Meeting | 4:30 p.m. at 111 S. Broad Street, Large Meeting Room
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