2021 Ontario Virtual Torch Run
WE Have Raised Over $91,000 And Counting!
A huge THANK YOU goes out to everyone who participated in this year's Ontario Virtual Torch Run! The fundraising was incredible and it was great to see so many 2021 Torch Run Ontario shirts on people posting their activities on social media!

To see what others were up to, you can check out our Flickr album for the Ontario Virtual Torch Run by clicking here.

If you didn't get a chance to check out our Ontario Virtual Torch Run wrap up program on Saturday, the video is linked above. This was a great opportunity to recap our 34 day celebration of 34 years of Torch Run in Ontario!

Shirts are still available for anyone else who would like them.

The donation portal is still open for anyone wanting to support who hasn't had a chance to yet.
Congratulations To Our Prize Winners!
Top Individual Fundraiser Prize - XBox One
Divya Bhagria - $5,000.00 Raised
Top Team Fundraiser Prize - $200 Tim Horton's Gift Card
Team Gallagher - $14,165.00 Raised
All Individuals Raising $250+ - Under Armour Duffle Bag
For all individual fundraisers who raised $250+, the Under Armour duffle bags are slated to arrive to you by the end of next week (Friday, June 18).
It is not too late to join the "Ontario Virtual Torch Run" group on Strava! Join today to follow the lead of our athletes by staying active and healthy. The 84 members of the group have been cheering each other on just like the encouragement we would see at a Special Olympics Ontario competition!
CN Tower & Niagara Falls Lit Up Red For Special Olympics Ontario
On Saturday, June 5th, both the CN Tower AND Niagara Falls were lit up RED to support Special Olympics Ontario.

In the above photograph, Sergeant Aaron Gross of Niagara Regional Police Service is proudly displaying the flag of Special Olympics Ontario in front of Niagara Falls.

We thank Sergeant Gross for coordinating both of these ceremonial lightings to celebrate #OVTR in a very unique and memorable way.
"How Do I Continue My Support of Special Olympics Ontario?"

2021 Harley Davidson Raffle
The 6th Annual Harley Davidson Raffle in support of Special Olympics Ontario is going on now!

If you would like to participate in the raffle, click on the button below to take you to HarleyRaffle.ca. Tickets are ONLY available online and only 7,000 tickets are available. Ticket sales close Thursday, September 16 at 9:59AM ET (Grand Prize Draw happens September 16 at 10:00AM ET).
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