Join us in honoring our

2021 Outstanding Volunteers

This year, the DRC decided to honor our five amazing volunteers who staff our Conflict Resolution Resource Line. This group is committed to working together as a team every week. They took the leap into fielding calls to the DRC during the challenging past year and have been essential in developing new tools and protocols surrounding online dispute resolution. Each of these five wonderful folks has been willing and valued mentors to new staff, interns, volunteers, and are the DRC's connection to the community.

From right: Mediation Manager Alice Sharrett joins honorees Cathi Greenwood, Susan Havens, Jo-Ann Costantino, and Tam Clark at this year's Volunteer Appreciation Picnic.


Tam Clark

A Texas native, Tam joined the DRC as a volunteer in 2018. She is a clear communicator and always takes the time with callers to ensure their questions are answered. She is inviting, creative, and always interested in what is possible.

Jo-Ann Costantino

Jo-Ann is clear, compassionate, and deeply committed to community. Her grounded presence helps folks who call find their ground too. She is always looking to the future with a eye toward ensuring nothing gets dropped along the way.


Cathi Greenwood

Cathi is calm, steady, and takes the time to cover all aspects of intake while listening deeply for issues and interests. She is creative with tech resources and has been instrumental in creating tools for remote phone work.

Susan Havens

Susan is a long-time mediator and resource line volunteer. She draws people out with empathetic questions and really listens to their responses. As a mediator, she is deeply committed to helping folks arrive at mediation ready to engage.

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Kitty Parker

Kitty is a resource line volunteer, mediator, and former board member. She is consistently involved in special projects and is always curious about what else can be done better. She maintains a sense of humor and lightness when preparing parties for mediation.

Tam, Jo-Ann, Cathi, Susan, and Kitty - To each of you we are truly grateful!

Get Involved!

You can make a difference in your community by volunteering with the DRC. 

If you enjoy helping others solve problems, please consider training to become a mediator or helping staff our Conflict Resolution Resource Line.   

To learn more, contact us at or call (360) 956-1155.


(360) 956-1155 |

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