Spring, 2021

What a year it has been already! College Advancement continues to work remotely, but that has not stopped us from achieving many great things in 2021. We had the help of an intern this spring, and you can read more about Kara and all her hard work below. We continue to receive support from new donors that help fill gaps in our scholarship program, including the new Plyler Scholarship for the Basic Law Enforcement (BLET), Emergency Medical Science, Public Safety Administration and Criminal Justice Technology programs.

We are looking forward to the future when we can gather again safely. Until then, thank you so much for your ongoing support of A-B Tech and the A-B Tech Foundation.


Amanda Edwards
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Learn more about the A-B Tech Foundation and Foundation Board here!
New Scholarship Spotlight
We are excited to offer the new Plyler Scholarship this spring for students enrolled in Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET), Emergency Medical Science, Public Safety Administration and Criminal Justice Technology programs. The scholarship is supported by donations made in memory of Robert H. "Bob" Plyler. Bob was a fervent supporter of the local law enforcement and public safety professionals. He was an Air Force Veteran serving a tour in Vietnam and was a native of Western NC, residing in the Asheville area. Bob was a familiar face at many fire departments and police stations in the local area and died unexpectedly in 2017.
Welcome to our new Foundation Board Members
The A-B Tech Foundation Board has welcomed four new Board Members in 2021. Matt Kern, owner of M.C. Kern Contracting, Inc., joined the Foundation Board as the A-B Tech Board of Trustees representative. Anthony Cerratto, an A-B Tech Alumni, is chef and owner of Strada Italiano in downtown Asheville. Beverly Miller is a political activist and campaign manager, as well as a Retired Paramedic/ Operations Supervisor. Lastly, Tim Bramley is a commercial realtor with Dewey Property Advisors. We are so excited for them to join us!

Thank you to our Intern Kara Fisher!
Thank you to our spring 2021 intern Kara Fisher for all of her hard work! Kara is currently majoring in Art and Visual Culture with a concentration in Art Management and a minor in Non-Profit Organizations at Appalachian State. She plans to graduate later this year. After graduating, Kara hopes to work supporting the arts and art organizations. "Working with the Foundation, I am enjoying the firsthand experiences in the non-profit world. Since most art institutions are non-profits, I am looking more towards helping or working in the developmental field of the art world."
Kara was a great help this spring, working on a spring social media calendar for us, assisting on the golf planning committee, analyzing giving data, and helping Leronica Casey with her scholarship process. Thank you again, Kara, for all of your hard work!
K. Ray Bailey Invitational Golf Tournament
We are thrilled to welcome back participants to the 17th Annual K. Ray Bailey Invitational Golf Tournament in June at Mount Mitchell Golf Club. Just like so many things, this year's tournament will look a little different, with a limited number of players and numerous safety protocols in place. We will be adhering to the current state and local mandates regarding outdoor gathering size, PPE and social distancing. We look forward to a safe and successful event in June!
Share your A-B Tech Story!
Has A-B Tech had a positive impact in your life, or the life of someone you know? Did you benefit from a scholarship at A-B Tech? Are you a donor to the College who’d like to share your story? Private support makes an incredible impact on our College and the lives for our students. Help us tell more stories! Please send an email to advancement@abtech.edu with your story.
Thank you to our Annual Sponsors
Thank you to our 2019 A-B Tech Foundation Annual Sponsors. For more information on how you or your company can become an Annual Sponsor, contact Amanda Bryan at amandakbryan@abtech.edu
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