The Mountain is asking for you support! For those of you willing and able, we would greatly appreciate it if you would circulate the following with your congregations, newsletters, and net works, as these are virtual programs all could benefit from at this time.

Please feel free to copy and paste the following:


The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, the UU camp and conference center in western NC, is proud to present

New virtual programs at little or no cost. 

You are invited to register. Please circulate this to friends and key players in your organization to expand this invitation.

The lineup of new programs with links to more details includes: 

Intro to: “Living Your Life Purpose
Feb 22, 25 & March 1
FREE sessions about Life Fulfillment

When: This FREE INTRO “taster” has 3 1-hour, virtual sessions set for February 22, 25, & March 1 from 7-8 pm ET, with short lecture/PowerPoint® presentations, individual worksheet completion time, and small group breakout discussion. 

Audience: Anyone wanting to begin developing their Life Purpose, particularly if you are 
  • Challenged by Life Passages,
  • Planning retirement in 5 to 10 years,
  • Current retirees, and 
  • Family members of the above.

Course Purposes: 
  • To introduce research of what contributes to fulfilling, healthy and high-quality experience of living.
  • To identify typical psychological adjustments experienced as we mature and want to develop life-sustaining habits for ongoing happiness. 
  • To heighten, beyond financial security, a grounded, authentic sense of quality of life security and thereby retirement readiness.
  • To begin tapping into your Inner Purpose and discovering new ways of expressing it in daily service to beloved communities of your choice. 
Hopefully, these “taster sessions” prompts you to enroll in “Living Your Life Purpose”
A Full 6-session program beginning in the later half of 2021
Prelude to Music Week 
Tuesdays from 2 to 3 PM EST, March 2, 9, 16, & 23
- A Virtual Learning Series as a Mountain Program

Friction Farm (Christine Stay and Aidan Quinn) invite you to a 4-part series they will lead on song writing.
All levels of writers are welcome, as well as those interested in writing in a lyric form for the first time. You will learn a variety of techniques to tap into your creativity and shape your ideas as we explore the creative process together. These sessions will provide a solid foundation upon which to build when Music Week returns. 

Regaining Balance In Rapidly Changing Times
Thursdays from 3-4:30pm EST, April 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29
- A Virtual Learning Series as a Mountain Program

Feeling…Rattled? In-shock? Unsettled? Confused?
Struggling with maintaining your mental and emotional equilibrium? You are not alone!

 Indeed, we are living in a time of unprecedented change. Some say it’s like being on a “teeter-totter” trying to keep our balance so we do not fall or fail.

To be sure, it is challenging to maintain our mental and emotional equilibrium. It is also a struggle to figure out which strategies and behaviors are the best match with what we know about ourselves and our disposition.
Second Intro to: “Living Your Life Purpose
Saturdays 11:00-12:30 EST May 1, 8, & 15
FREE second sessions about Life Fulfillment

Hopefully, these “taster sessions” prompts you to enroll in “Living Your Life Purpose”
A Full 6-session program beginning in the later half of 2021
Presenters of these sessions are donating their time, materials, and content pro bono to assure the sustainability in these challenging times of The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Highlands, NC.

About Your Presenter: 

Overview of Modules: 
Module 1: Taking Stock: Another Look at Who You Are Today to Prepare for Tomorrow
Module 2: New Creative Perspectives: Envisioning What High Quality Living Means to You in Retirement
Module 3: Grounding in Your Strengths: With New Awareness and Clarified Vision, Shore Up the Foundation of Your Fulfillment

The $66 cost for the full program is dedicated to Staff Salaries at The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center (Highlands, NC). Session Presenters are acting pro bono to sustain The Mountain in these challenging times. 
Thank you for your support!
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