Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

Calendar year 2022 will be vital to cleanse from old sin strongholds, to cleanse as His Bride for His soon return. God willing, beginning on Sunday, January 2, and ending on Saturday, January 22, we will offer 21 days of repentance prayers covering FEARS--- the different fears into which we were born or which we picked up from the world. If these remain unconfessed and without repentance, our walk with the Lord is muted, if not entirely lost. He will support us to remove each one.

He calls us to be holy as He is holy.

This is especially timely, given a key word one of our sisters recently received:

Ready yourselves! Purify yourselves. Be humble and repentant before Me. Stay alert and stay in My Spirit. Sing in My Spirit, little ones! Let what arises within you from My Spirit, come forth through your vocal cords and from your mouths. Release the tone that I give to you. Project the frequency as I give it into your being. Join together in unity, in love, in submitted humility, and in radical obedience to the call of My Spirit. Yes, all that can be shaken is being shaken. But in the days to come, all that stands up proudly upon the foundations of evil will be shattered. Each of you, My set-apart little ones, will be My mouthpiece to deliver the sound of My voice to your world. Ready yourselves now! The sound is coming … even now, it is here.”

She then concluded in her own words: "The most pure and undefiled human being, ever seen upon the earth, was born, lived, died, and rose again so that we could be eternally glorious like He is. Yeshua came into a profoundly defiled world where satan has his mixtures, perversions and defilements everywhere throughout human society and souls. Yeshua came to show us the way back to our Father, and back to the script that was written for humankind from the beginning. Let us seek to be holy as He is holy … set apart for His glory. Let’s give HIM that gift this Christmas."


NDR exists to encourage spiritual cleansing: implementing Christ's GIFT of personal and national repentance. NDR has written a new repentance resource. As our gift to you for your prayer and financial support this year, simply ask and we'll send the ebook version of JOY in our wicked world.

Do you see repentance as vital in our personal lives? In our nations? That is NDR's sole purpose for ministry. We depend on your individual support, whatever the amount, to cover our costs and requests for food from pastors all over the planet who are awakening to the gift of repentance and need food for themselves and their flocks.
As you give, whatever the amount, you'll receive His fruit that will abound to your account!

God bless you!

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance

Please join us every Wednesday, at 11 AM Pacific, 2 PM Eastern, 5 AM Eastern Australia , Thursday, for our one hour repentance focus and FELLOWSHIP. Here is the Zoom link: Direct Zoom link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87050808691?pwd=ZkMvM3VtTDF6TUFCKytDdE9vZ0V0UT09 password 1221
National Day of Repentance | www.repentday.com