The Future “IN” Film: 
What You See is
What You Get!  
There seems to be a strong genre of movies depicting the future as gloom and doom, apocalyptic based plots and imagery. Will we turn into monsters or have to abandon earth and go into space? 
Without being Pollyanna, where’s the sun, a blue sky,
something uplifting yet realistic? 
As we progress into the future, shift the movie genre to a visual expose, inspiriting us to balance technology and humanness. 
Promote a more peaceful, cooperative world with each other and nature. Find ways to paint a pathway to look forward to with joy
and participation.
Barry Wurst, Film Afficionado and Critic, and Gylian Solay
banter about the future, depicted in movies now
and how we would like to see The Future "IN" Film.
 Connect with Barry on LinkedIn or Email him.
Listen to his podcast So I Married a Film Critic
This is the first in a monthly series. Join us live on Zoom

Whatever your age now, there's a future waiting for you in the next moment. What's your visualization of that future?
How would you like it portrayed in movies?
Barry & Gylian's Video of their
ideas and comments
Join Barry and Gylian's upcoming live zoom series

The Future “IN” Film: 
What You See is What You Get!  

For dates and comments

Send your choices of movies to:

The Antidote
to 2022
is Here...

Media Culture Is a Monster.
Too Often, They Suck the Joy 
Out of Life, Turn Rainbows Gray and Leave Fear in Their Wake.

This Year, More Than Ever,
We Have Made a Commitment To Cinema That Uplifts, Celebrates & Wakes Up Our Better Angels.

Life Is Too Short for Never-ending Doom and Gloom. 
It’s Time to Dance Like No One is Watching &
Set Your Spirits Loose To Win the Day.

and Submit Your Film Today

For their mission and 2022 film list

See You at the Movies... Bring your own Popcorn!!
Journey through A Global Voice of Peace