Issue #4: 4Q 2022-23

FL District Newsletter

A Message From the Desk of

Sharon Moody

Kiwanis Florida District Governor 2022-2023

It was a privilege and honor to serve as Governor of this great Florida District. As I bid farewell as Governor, I take comfort in knowing I am leaving behind a legacy of laughter, creativity, and camaraderie for the Florida District. I am grateful for everything you have done. In life we are faced with two challenges: 1. Saying Hello 2. Saying Good-bye.

Thank you all for being part of my journey. I want to say thank you to my grandson Denzel Singleton as First Grandson, Lt. Governor Liaison Karla Nielsen, Executive Director Melanie Winternheimer and Education Chair Roxanna Brown for joining me on this journey for the past year of “Let’s Stay Together”. Thank you for the good times and sweet memories that will last a lifetime. I enjoyed visiting all over the Florida District including St. Croix, Grand Cayman and Turks and Caicos.

To the wonderful Executive Board, Lt. Governors, District Chairs, and members of the Florida District: There are not enough words for me to express my gratitude to you and this Florida District for entrusting me to serve – one city, one child, and one community at a time. Just Remember “Let’s Stay Together” To Build a Better World.

Sharon Moody,

Kiwanis Florida District Governor – 2022-2023


“Let’s Stay Together”




For Kiwanis International, partnerships are an exciting way to maximize our service. We welcome partnerships that align with our mission and that preserve the trust of our members and those we serve.





As Kiwanians, we know that Kids Need Kiwanis. Most of our Kiwanis clubs sponsor one or more of our Service Leadership Programs and enjoy working with and mentoring the students in Kiwanis K-Kids, Builders Club, and Key Club.

Kids Need Strong Service Leadership Programs. They need programs with advisors and Kiwanians that work with them to constantly be aware of protecting them. Please take time to review the Kiwanis Youth Protection Policies and Procedures.

kiwanis-youth-protection-policies-procedures.pdf (

As we enter a new Kiwanis administrative year, all clubs should pay special attention to the following excerpt from the KYP policies and procedures.

EDUCATION: Every Kiwanis club is expected to inform and educate its members on these policies, best practices, and required actions for individuals who become aware of youth in potentially harmful situations. This education must occur annually, including providing a copy of these policies to each club member.

Every Kiwanis district is expected to provide an educational forum or workshop at every district-produced convention and conference regarding policies and best practices for adults working with youth, using materials provided by Kiwanis International.

Please let us know if you would like any clarification, have questions, or need materials.

In Kiwanis Service,

Bob and Donna Parton

Click to contact District Youth Protection Managers
News From Your District Chairs


Hello everyone,

As we wrap up the 2022-23 Kiwanis year, I would like to congratulate our secretaries on the significant improvement in club report submissions coming from the Florida District this year. 

It has been great to see our District Clubs letting Kiwanis know how well we’re doing in service to the children in our communities. Thank you all very much, well done. 

Just a few tips for secretaries to end the year right and have a smooth transition into 2023-24:

  1. Complete all editing and submission of each monthly report for 2022-23, before the end of September. 
  2. Update ALL club officers and membership committee persons, for 2023-24, on the Secretary Dashboard ASAP. 
  3. Purge all members who are not returning next year, 2023-24, from your roster, on the Secretary Dashboard, by September 30th. This timeline is suggested to avoid the club being charged in Kiwanis International’s 2023-24 billing, for persons who are no longer members. 
  4. If your club has a new secretary and new officers, please ensure that they have all set up their member logins for Kiwanis International. 
  5. Outgoing secretaries, please help your new secretary to access and become familiar with the Club Reporting Tool and the Secretary Dashboard, on KI’s website. 

It has been an absolute pleasure serving as your Club Reporting District Chair. Please continue to submit those reports because no one will know what you all do for the children if you don’t tell your story. 

Thanks for all you do for our children. 

Walk good and dream beyond your journey. 

Caroll Neita

Fl Kiwanis District Chair, Club Reporting 

Click to contact Club Reporting Chair Caroll Neita


THANK YOU to all the Kiwanis clubs and members who provided filled Duffel Bags for Foster Kids this Kiwanis year. Shown below are Division 2, 3 and Division 26 who have recently participated in this effort. As a District, we provided over 3,800 bags, all throughout Florida!! 

I am excited to continue as your Service Chair again this Kiwanis year and work with each and every one of you on making a bigger impact. Here are the goals we have for this new Kiwanis year:

• By the end of the Kiwanis year, a minimum of 4 Duffel Bag LSSP (Large Scale Service Projects) are conducted, providing over 2,000 filled bags to Foster Kids. 

• Have at least one club from each division conduct a survey in their community to identify the needs not yet met by the end of 2023. 

• Complete 100 projects under the Governor's project by the end of the Kiwanis term. 

Yours in Service, 

Linda Martin

(941) 623-5822

Click to contact Service District Chair Linda Martin


Hello everyone,

The Florida District Past Lt Governor’s Association, PLGA, had a great 2022-23. We signed up over 30 new Lifetime Members and our Larry Taylor Spalding Fellowship Fund continues to grow. Donations to this fund guarantee our ability to award annual PLGA scholarships to our Key Club and CKI Governors, to assist in their education pursuits. 

This year we stepped up our activities District wide. Past Lt. Governors shared their knowledge and experience as they supported, encouraged and mentored District and Division leaders as well as club members. We also did our part to spread awareness of the need for membership growth and leadership succession in our Florida District. 

We believe that accomplishing these things ensures that the Florida District will continue to be healthy and live the Kiwanis mission to ‘change the world one child, one community at a time’, for many years to come. 

This year we also continued the tradition of meeting for our annual Past Lieutenant Governor’s Breakfast at the Florida DCON. This is where we take the opportunity to relax, fellowship, exchange ideas and celebrate our commonality, as the largest single group of influencers in the Florida District. We awarded two scholarships to our SLP Governors, installed our new board and set our sights on helping the Florida District of Kiwanis continue to build a bright future. 

Please visit the Florida District website for more information on the PLGA and how to contact us. 

Thank you all for a great year and thank you for the opportunity to serve as the 2022-23 President of this awesome group of servant leaders. 

Thanks for all you do for our children. 

Walk good and dream beyond your journey 

Caroll Neita

President, Fl Kiwanis Past Lt Governor’s Assoc. 2022-23

Click to contact PLGA President Caroll Neita


SEPT. 2023

11-17: Celebrate Community

OCT. 2023

1 – First day of the new Kiwanis year

16-20 – CKI Week


Denver, Colorado, USA    July 3-6, 2024

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA    June 25-28, 2025



August 15-18, 2024 Hilton Buena Vista Palace (Orlando)

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