Issue #2: 2Q 2022-23
FL District Newsletter
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Sharon Moody, Florida District Governor
I am so excited to let you know that the Florida District is up in membership growth. I would like to thank each and every one of you for all that you are doing. We have added new clubs to our Florida District with the Uptown Temple Terrace club (Division 14) and in St. Croix, Virgin Islands (Division 26.) There also will be three more clubs opening soon in the Tallahassee area. I am continuously on the road visiting divisions and seeing all the great work that you and your clubs are doing. Let’s keep the momentum going and bring in more new members and open more new clubs.
I would also like to thank all those who joined me on the Kiwanis Family Cruise in January. It was so rewarding to have the opportunity to partner with the Kiwanis Club of Falmouth, Jamaica in their service project at Hauge Primary and Infant School. As Kiwanians, we are dedicated to working together in service to children and the community …. wherever we are.
“Let’s Stay Together”
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Did you know?
The District of Alabama-Florida was organized in the fall of 1918. Birmingham, Alabama, was the only club, having organized February 28, 1917. J. Mercer Barnett was the first governor and served until June 1919. Andrew J. Arrant was elected at the Mobile convention in 1919, and served as governor until April 11, 1921.
The Alabama-Florida District continued under that name until the Kiwanis International Board met in July of 1924. At that meeting, the Board designated the two states independent districts. The second club in the district was Mobile. Gadsden and Huntsville tied for third place.
The first club in Florida was Tampa, the third club formed in the old Alabama-Florida District. It was completed June 18, 1919. Pensacola was completed July 10, 1919; Jacksonville was completed October 23, 1919.
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Hello, I’m Past Governor Gary Frechette. I have been honored to be Florida’s Steering Committee Chair. I’m also Past Governor Matthew Cantrall
Co-Campaign Chair for his election to Kiwanis International Trustee. The election will take place at the Kiwanis International Convention on June 22-25th 2023 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I’m asking for you and your club’s support for Matthew. Bottom line is that we need your vote at the convention. Hopefully, your club has 1 or 2 delegates attending the convention. If not in your budget, you can do an in-club fundraiser to help send your delegates. Please, we need your support. Every vote will count. We can and will elect the most trusted, caring, experienced, and dedicated to our children, Past Governor Matthew Cantrell. My sincere thanks and will see you at the convention.
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Get Up! Get Up! Don’t Miss the Show!
Have you ever been so excited to go to a show that you couldn’t wait to see? Let’s think of Kiwanis as that show for the next several months. Kiwanis friends, Let’s get excited!
Clubs Can Be a Strong Force!!
I love it when people say I can’t wait to go to my club meeting, attesting to how the club is making an impact on its members when attending. Recognition to members, celebrating member’s birthday’s, socializing, and planning community events are ideas that engage our members. Do a BIG shake-up and make your meetings fun and exciting!
Don’t you hate it when our meetings are conducted the same old way for years? Sadly, I watch members come in late because they already know what’s going to happen in the meeting? It is the same old way each time the club meets. Wouldn’t it be great to suddenly have to have a larger space for your meeting because so many wanted to attend? Try putting FUN into your announcements. Think about how to get a member’s attention when you do those announcements a little different.
The “Two for Two!” program from Kiwanis is a great guide to help you grow your club. A fun way for small or big clubs who are having a tough time finding members grow their club.
After looking at your membership, you can find a bunch of people who could become a part of your Kiwanis Family, just by asking. WE CAN DO IT!
A few weeks ago, I sat down with our club membership chair as my guest for lunch, to look at prospects. We enjoyed a great time of fellowship, and when finished we had come up with 15 prospects, how to update our rolls, and installation for each month. This program is suitable for any size club to get started and grow. Join the hundreds of clubs who are celebrating their success using this program!
Great Force in the Communities!!
Why do we BRAND Kiwanis when we have major events? Community awareness is the answer. What’s the point of keeping your clubs’ good work a secret? I remember being in Spa, Belgium and the folks there knew that Kiwanis was in their city because they had statues all over the city painted by the local artists, representing the work of Kiwanis for children.
How do you brand your event so that people know Kiwanis is in town? Do you wear your Kiwanis logo clothing? Do you network with other groups in our community? These types of events could potentially be low cost with high impact with visibility? WE CAN DO IT! Let’s look at other areas Kiwanis Clubs could have a major impact. What are you doing to impact the name of Kiwanis, where it could benefit the children of your community?
Kiwanis has so much information available on growing your club and how to build new clubs in your area. Shout out to clubs that continue to tell the story of Kiwanis and what an impact it has made in your life and community. People are waiting for you to ask them to become a part of this great family called Kiwanis.
Do Kids Need Kiwanis Where You Live?
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Our whole purpose is to help kids in the community. Another tool in our tool box is Service Leadership Programs (SLP) in schools, or community-based programs. Kiwanians can use these programs foster students to train to be great leaders not only as future Kiwanians but also in their community. We can sponsor programs that help feed kids that are hungry, sports programs, and partner with other students across the country can teach them different cultures, history, and the impact of service in a community.
I remember when we started a Kiwanis group called K-Kids in the elementary school, their first project was to produce art work to make money to help develop wells in countries that didn’t have safe drinking water. What a proud group of young people they were as they collected over $200.00 for their fundraiser. They were fulfilled by helping other students and friends even in a different part of the world.
Another great impact for clubs to make is to give to the Kiwanis Children Fund. Seek out information on grants, available through the Children’s Fund to help a cause in your community. I would encourage individuals and clubs to donate to the Kiwanis Children Fund to help make a difference this year.
In closing, we did the Two for Two program with a club that is under strength. We went out to visit this couple about joining the Kiwanis Family. It was years when the lady had mentioned that her former boss was really big in Kiwanis, and she knew a lot about it to my surprise. She stated that they wanted to help children and do service in the community.
If the member of the local club hadn’t given us the information through Two for Two we would have missed a great opportunity. Folks from that visit we will get an additional member which this couple we visited gave us and guess what? They want to be a member of the Kiwanis Family. If you want to GROW your club, look at TWO for TWO, it is working!
Thanks for being a part of the Kiwanis Family, WE CAN GROW KIWANIS!
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News From Your District Chairs
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If you would like Governor Sharon to attend your club meeting, anniversary celebration, Division Council Meeting, project or special event … or you have information that you would like shared, here is how you can reach me:
Text or call: 813-294-5786
Email: info@dickandkarla.com
I look forward to supporting Governor Sharon in her mission and helping you and our Florida Kiwanis family have a successful year.
Karla Nielsen, Lt. Governor Liaison
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UPDATE on our District-wide Large Scale Service Project:
Our Kiwanis Family is coming together at 5 different locations: Niceville, Tallahassee, Fort Lauderdale and 2 in Orlando. The biggest obstacle is finding the funds and donations to provide thousands of Duffel Bags for Foster Kids across all of Florida!
If your club can help, please contact me at Linp2martin@gmail.com.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" -Walt Disney
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Greetings Florida Kiwanians! I am excited to invite you to participate in our Florida Key Club District Education and Leadership Conference (DCON) in Daytona Beach, FL. This is a unique 4-day event with over 1000 Key Club members and advisors from all over the district.
Registration for the full conference has passed, but we are still offering a Kiwanis One Day pass for Saturday, April 15th, which includes access to all the sessions throughout the day, Lunch, and a ticket to our Governor's Banquet. The cost is $75. You can sign up for Kiwanis One Day here: https://forms.gle/R8uTbVcSvc3z3LRw7. The deadline to register for Kiwanis One Day is March 10th.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our DCON team at dcon@floridakeyclub.org. Hope to see you in April in beautiful Daytona Beach!
Thank you for your service,
Heather Locke (she/her)
District Administrator
Florida District of Key Club International, Inc
"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit." Harry Truman
Key Club is an international, student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop leadership.
-Leadership - Character Building - Caring -
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Time flies when we are having fun!
We are almost halfway through the Kiwanis year, and I am excited to report that several new K-KIDS clubs have opened since our last newsletter.
This is fabulous news! Things are moving forward, and the children are learning to serve their communities, engage with adults and other children, and become leaders. The world is much bigger than what they see in their classrooms, and K-KIDS helps children understand the world around them.
In January, I attended an SLP conference with administrators from all over the country. I had the opportunity to exchange ideas with other administrators. I plan to share what I have learned in the upcoming months.
We should aspire to bridge the gap between the SLPs. The children should enjoy their K-KIDS experiences so much that they cannot wait to move into Builder’s Club, Key Club, and Circle K. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were no gaps between each SLP experience? We would have Kiwanians for life!
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Hi I’m Suzi Bredbenner your District Chair for Bring Up Grades. Now is the perfect time to start a new program in your schools. This program can start at any time during the school year.
“Now you can empower kids to succeed in school. Bring Up Grades, or BUG, is a program that recognizes elementary students who raise their grades or maintain good grades from one grading period to the next. Students are motivated to excel because they set their own goals — and they participate in peer mentoring, which involves their classmates in their success. When they reach their goals, the entire class celebrates.” https://www.kiwaniskids.org/bring-up-grades/
Please take a moment, and ask your Bring Up Grades Chair, or Service Leadership Program Chair, to answer a few questions. I want to be able to provide information to other clubs on helpful hints, what does it cost, how you celebrate, do you have Spanish version (at least for parents), would you be interested in one, have you adopted the program for middle school, or home/virtual school? I can be reached at suzi.bredbenner@gmail.com 813-597-5063 and would like to hear from you.
The Kiwanis Club of Southshore Florida will be starting a Bring Up Grades at home program this spring. We are participating in a local Chamber of Commerce Festival. Our plan is to use the original BUG program, and realign it so the parent can self-report to our form on our website. They will indicate their child’s goal, and if the goal was achieved. We will send them a digital certificate. We are planning to work with some local fast food restaurants to be able to provide them with a code for a free pizza or ice cream. This program will be available to all elementary and middle school students regardless of where they go school. We have a lot to put together in the next month! We chose to introduce the program to our area, because the schools have been reluctant to add something in addition to Terrific Kids. Does anyone have a program similar?
If you would like more information on Bring up Grades, would like me to speak to your Division or your club, let me know. I can be reached at suzi.bredbenne r@gmail.com 813-597-5063 and would like to hear from you.
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You need to know:
1. When a motion is in order (don’t be overwhelmed by motion charts)
2. Define and learn the key motions (six is a reasonable number)
3. How to count votes
4. When a speaker is out of order (this helps with shortening meetings)
5. How and when to use a parliamentarian
6. What are the Bylaws and Standing Rules (All officers should be familiar with the Bylaws and Standing Rules)
Let’s explore:
A. When a motion is in order?
The first motion you have to understand is in the Main Motion. This motion can be propose only when no other motion is pending or on the floor before membership. It is the base line for the meeting. Its purpose is to help the club take care of its business. All other motions are either tied to the main motion in some way or affect the comfort or rights of members. If you are unsure, let the members vote on the relevance. A majority vote will decide the outcome or ask your parliamentarian for assistance. Be confident!
B. Motions you are likely to encounter
1. Main Motion
2. Amendment: Open it to discussion and generally treat it as you would a main motion, It must be voted on before the vote is taken on the main motion. If it passes, you must still vote on the main motion as amended.
3. Postpone to a Definite Time: There is a difference between moving a motion to the table and postpone it for a definite time. The later, means that the motion can be brought up a different time, whereas moving it to the table refers to bringing it up at a later time during the meeting which it is passed.
4. Close Debate or Vote immediately: Move the question. Some Kiwanis Clubs have a provision relative to a debate time limit. If discussion has tapered off and or time limit has expired, the presiding officer can call for a vote on the motion.
Ensure that both parties have the opportunities to be heard
5. Point of Order: The purpose of this motion is to permit a member at the meeting to call attention to a procedural error or what he may feel is a mistake by the presiding officer.
6. Refer: If the members feel a main motion requires more investigation before it is voted on, they may refer it to a committee or an individual for further investigation.
C. How to Count Votes
Voice Vote
Show of Hands
Standing Vote
Ballot Vote
Roll Call Vote
D. When a Speaker is Out of Order
The President is responsible for seeing that the meeting is on task and on time. The presiding officer can declare the speaker out of order. Examples:
- When the discussion is not relevant to the motion on the floor
When a speaker fails to adhere to time limits during discussions
When a member speaks out before being recognized by the chair
- When members talk and create distractions during discussion
E. How to Use a Parliamentarian
1. The parliamentarian is an advisor to the presiding officer, does not make rulings
2. If questions are asked, the parliamentarian speaks only to the presiding officer, unless otherwise directed by the presiding officer
3. The parliamentarian can call mistakes to the presiding officer’s attention (unobtrusively and quietly)
F. Know What Your Bylaws and Standing Rules Say
The President and all of the officers of the club should be familiar with the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the club.
Note: Tips taken from past Kiwanis Leadership Trainings and Kiwanis University
Looking forward to "Let's Stay Together in 2022" and supporting our Governor, Sharon Moody
My contact information:
Denise McDaniel
813.659.9620 (home)
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Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA June 21-24, 2023
Registration is Open!
Denver, Colorado, USA July 3-6, 2024
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA June 25-28, 2025
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August 17-21, 2023 Omni ChampionsGate (Orlando)
August 15-18, 2024 Hilton Buena Vsita Palace (Orlando)
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This email is being sent to all members in the Florida District of Kiwanis with a valid email address on file with Kiwanis International | | | | |