Dear Friends,

We have just celebrated our Golden Jubilee in glorious fashion!* And we are now turning our attention to Graduation—and to fulfilling our all-important Annual Fund.

(*If you did not have the opportunity to attend or listen online, click here to access the archived talks, which were all so very enjoyable!)

I am constantly struck by the outpouring of love and support our beloved donors provide for MIU, and for me personally. Even with so many competing needs across all branches of our global movement, so many of you have given heroically. Support has come in for a multitude of important projects, including our very exciting MIU Capital Campaign. But we must not forget the foundation for all of MIU’s success—the Annual Fund.

We are in a good position to meet our $2.25 million goal. We are just where we were this time last year, currently sitting at $1,642,684. We have a little more than $600,000 to raise by the end of June. Can we count on you yet again?

I am thrilled to report that MIU is expanding so rapidly. We are seeing growth across all areas of study, especially those that are most closely linked to Maharishi’s core knowledge. We have (by far) the largest integrative medicine program in the US, and the 2nd largest computer science professionals program with 1,700 students—700 on-campus and 1,000 online. MIU has become the most diverse University in the country, with 70% of our on-campus enrollment consisting of international students, representing 68 countries. And all are enjoying the profound fruits of Consciousness-Based Education.

Over my past five years as President, your kindness and your endless generosity have inspired me constantly. You have fueled our amazing growth and have secured for MIU a long and glorious future.

So I thank you for helping us achieve our Annual Fund this year! It is the bedrock foundation upon which everything else rests.

God bless every one of you!

John Hagelin

Maharishi International University 1000 North 4th Street, MR 752, Fairfield, IA 52557
Tel: 641-472-1180 Email: Web: