It's Happening! 2022 BC Tourism &
Hospitality Conference
Award Deadline - Jan.14 | Presentation Deadline - Today!
In response to the current pandemic situation, we would like to provide an update on planning for the 2022 conference. 

The conference is going ahead on March 9 - 11, 2022 so make sure it’s in your calendar! 

We are working with our partners to develop rigorous safety plans and we truly hope to be able to safely meet in person in Richmond; however, if government regulations and health restrictions are in place, the conference will be held in a virtual format on the same dates. 

We are closely monitoring the current situation and the conference planning committee will make a final decision on the conference format near the end of January. 

But the planning continues in the background! We are committed to delivering an incredible experience, full of education, connections, and celebrations – whatever the medium.  

We have received many impressive session submissions and our team is putting together a stellar conference program for you – one you won’t want to miss! Conference sessions will reflect success stories, resilience, research, best practices, creative projects and initiatives, and bold ideas that will help Kickstart the Comeback of BC’s tourism industry.

More program details will be shared in the coming weeks and conference registration will be open in late January. 

In the meantime, we encourage you to submit your session proposal (deadline is January 6th - TODAY), submit your award nominations (deadline is January 14th) and consider donating to our silent auction by contacting

As the situation evolves, we will continue to keep you all informed. Please reach out to should you have any questions.