Sunday, February 6, 2022
Message from the Commodore
Let It Snow!
It is snowing as I write this message. Bring it on! Colorado needs it, and of course our concern is Dillon Reservoir, which needs it. Snow makes water to fill the reservoir so we can enjoy the great sailing and boating on it. We all watched the water level drop rapidly last fall and that makes us concerned about when the reservoir will fill this summer.
As I was wondering about what the snowpack is this winter, I did a little research and found this graph from the USDA. It shows that thanks to the very snowy Christmas season in Summit County, the Colorado River Basin is now at 116% of normal.

That is very encouraging, and we can all hope for continued snowfall so that Dillon will fill. As for me, I’m hoping for another spring like in 2019 (see the green line). Yeah, LET IT SNOW!
While we certainly enjoy the liquid phase of water, let’s get out and have some fun with the frozen, fluffy kind. We are planning for two ski & snowboard days this season – one at Copper and the other at A-Basin. I hope you will all join us. Please see the information in this TellTale and in future messages.
Other than thinking about snow, and playing in it, what else has DYC been doing this winter? We had our annual meeting on December 7th at Tommyknocker Brewery in Idaho Springs. It was well attended by members from the mountains and the Front Range. Meredith Jackson was elected Treasurer and Jen Pierce was elected Secretary. They will serve two-year terms and we are excited to have them as our newest flag officers.
Dillon Open planning is in progress and NJ Oliva has some great ideas. Please mark your calendars for August 26 – 28. It is a new weekend and a fresh re-start for our 51st Dillon Open.
Dan Fesenmeyer and his team have set a new and interesting race calendar for this summer. Please check it out on our website. There will be more variation in the types of regattas and one-day special races so that more members can participate. We’re planning for a full moon night race on Friday, August 12th. That should be fun!
For those of you who plan to travel to warm, sunny places this winter and would like to use your reciprocity to visit other yacht clubs, please know that your membership is good through March 31st. You should see your invoice delivered in February for payment by the end of March for 2022. Rachel Ruiz, our past Secretary and current board member, made this recommendation in 2021 to alleviate the year-end rush to get out invoices and membership cards. I think we are all happy to take a break during that time of year, since we like snow!
Until we meet again under the DYC burgee, let it snow!

Dawn Darling, Commodore
Message from the Rear Commodore
Note From the
Rear Commodore

The weather outside presently is similar to sailing in the deep south Pacific, not the Caribbean dreams I currently have on a nightly basis. We best make the most of the weather and the Rocky Mountain majesty we are surrounded by. This winter we are introducing more opportunities to connect with our summer friends both on the slopes and virtually via Zoom Happy Hours. We have three ski /snowboard days scheduled in February, March and April. The first two are at Copper and the April date is slated for Arapahoe Basin. The hope is to have a grill available at A-Basin for a grill your own, byob extravaganza. I have a limited amount of discounted Copper day tickets, please contact me if you are in need of a ticket. Currently, we do not have access to discounted A-Basin tickets. My hunch is you will need to be resourceful on your own. We also will have twice the opportunity to connect with Zoom Happy Hours. My plan is to host the Marina and Race updates same as last year. New this year will be members sharing their Cruising or Racing adventures and the EXCITING beginning of the Sailing Season Kickoff! I truly hope you will join us this winter season either on the slope or virtually. Until then I wish you blue water dreams.

Joe Quarantillo
Rear Commodore
DYC Ski & Snowboarding Days 2022!!!
Please join us this winter season for 3 opportunities to slide together and catch up over some turns. Sunday, February 27th and Saturday, March 26th will be at Copper and Sunday, April 24th will be at Arapahoe Basin.

Contact Joe Quarantillo at for limited availability to discounted Copper tickets. Please look for event updates on the Dillon Yacht Club Facebook page.
Have you been on a winter sailing adventure or participating in other fun winter activities! Please feel free to share on our social media pages! We are on Facebook and also on Instagram. We will also post your sailing stories in the Telltale, just email

August 26th, 27th & 28th, 2022

Save the dates! Dillon Open has new dates next year! Come join us for the fun!
2022 Summer Race Calendar - 2022 DYC Sailing Schedule Posted

The 2022 summer season schedule has been posted to the DYC website, click here  With the input of Fleet Captains and DYC Members, we have worked together to plan an action-packed schedule for 2022 summer season. Check out these exciting details!

Weekend Regattas are back:
  •  Four two-day weekend regattas and two one-day regattas with awards each weekend and return of the DYC leaderboard.
  • Can’t commit to the entire series? No problem, pay by the weekend racing is back!
  • Miss a weekend or two and you will still be in the hunt for the season trophies

Other Cool Races:
  • PP Pot Pursuit Race, a full-moon night race and 4th of July Pursuit Race to Frisco
  • Crew Swap day – Team up with other folks from your fleet and learn from each other as you crew swaps places with crew from other boats.
  • …of course, the DYC Fall Frostbite Series is always some of the best sailing weather!

But wait, there’s more:
  • Ski + Sail + Cookout (snow + weather + water permitting)
  • June practice & tuning day
  • Silver Dollar Raft Up and 4th of July Raft Up

Dillon Open has NEW DATES!!! Don’t forget to block your calendar for the NEW Dillon Open dates, August 26th, 27th & 28th, 2022. Come join our open regatta for our biggest event of the summer!

The schedule has some flexibility in it to account for early season water & weather issues along with some weekends that are ‘Open/TBD’. Our plan is to stick to the schedule as best we can. We are looking forward to an amazing summer on the water racing at The World’s Highest Yacht Club!
Jr Logo
Dillon Junior Sailing Update:
Long time Dillon Junior Program Director, James Welch, is moving on to a full time role at Vail Resorts and we are looking for Program Director for the DYC Junior Sailing Program for the upcoming season. Please let Dan Fesenmeyer ( know if you have any ideas for potential candidates we could reach out to and please spread the word that we are looking for a new program director. The role has been posted to US Sailing Job Bank, Facebook, and other websites.
Position Overview:
  • Overall program administration including scheduling, registration for sailing camps, hiring & management of instructors, budget management, and management for facilities & boats.
  • Serves as manager and spokesperson for the DJYC.
  • Salary: $16-$25/HOUR
DYC Members' Sailing Adventures
Sailing in the Dry Tortugas
By Mike Kalil

On November 27th Steph and I embarked on our first charter experience . We planned this trip to celebrate Steph's 50th birthday. The trip began in Key West and we planned to sail to the Dry Tortugas stopping the first night at the Marquesas Keys.The Dry Tortugas are about 65 miles southwest of Key West and they are one of the least visited national parks in the country.The boat we chartered was a 2020 Jeanneau 410 and we were not disappointed. We were actually the first group to charter the boat, it still smelled new!
The first day was a combination of motoring, motor sailing and a little bit of sailing, but the weather was beautiful! When we got to the Marquesas Keys and anchored we were the only ones there. We took the dinghy ashore and explored the beach that we had entirely to ourselves. At night several fishing boats came in and anchored near us. It was a great first night on the hook. Early the next morning we left for the Dry Tortugas and we were able to sail on a beam reach right away. As the day went on the wind built to about 18-20 knots and we had to reef the main and the jib. We had about 3-5' seas and the boat handled it great. As we approached the Dry Tortugas the winds and seas moderated, it was great seeing Fort Jefferson appear on the horizon. After anchoring and settling in we went ashore to explore the fort, what an amazing place!
The next 2 days were spent exploring the Dry Tortugas. We went ashore and explored more of the fort. We motored over to a mooring near Loggerhead Key to snorkel at the Windjammer wreck. After that we grabbed another mooring ball closer to Loggerhead Key and went ashore to explore the beaches and the lighthouse. We also snorkeled back at Fort Jefferson and watched the seaplanes come and go bringing visitors to the island.
It was time to start the trip back. Again we would be stopping at the Marquesas Keys to break up the trip since on a charter you are not allowed to sail after dark. The sail to the Marquesas keys was in light air, but we were able to sail about 80% of the way. I haven't mentioned this before, but the entire sail between Key West and the Dry Tortugas is spent dodging lobster pots, they are everywhere! We hooked one that had a very long and slack line on the keel. I thought I was going to have to swim to clear the line, but when we furled the sails the pressure on it was released and it freed itself. 
The last day of sailing from the Marquesas Keys back to Key West was fantastic! We were sailing 30 degrees off the wind in 15-18 knots of apparent wind and very calm seas . The boat was moving like a freight train. We made great time and only had to do a few tacks to get back into the entrance to the marina. When we arrived back at Ocean's Edge Marina the first thing we did was go to the fuel dock to top off the fuel tank. After we tied up I looked up and said to the man standing on the dock "is that a Dillon Yacht Club hat?" It was Bruce who I had not met before. He and his wife Pam had just arrived at the marina that day on their trawler. What a small world of sailors we belong to! That was a great way to wrap up a fantastic trip.
Steph at the helm.
DYC Burgee flying in the Dry Tortugas.
Dawn Darling, Commodore of Dillon Yacht Club and Robert Rux, Fleet Surgeon of Fairhope Yacht Club, in Fairhope, Alabama did a burgee exchange at DYC Friday, January 28, 2022!

Hello Boater enthusiast!

You may find that our “Live Virtual” courses may be of interest to you. America’s Boating Club of Colorado is inviting you to look at our upcoming virtual courses at this link.

This is our current list of courses we are offering in 2022;

Boat Handling: March 14, 2022 for 8 weekly 2 hour online sessions via ZOOM, is intended for newer recreational boaters who have completed a basic boating class (like our ABC3 course) and want to gain more knowledge, skill, and confidence to boat safely and have more fun in a variety of situations.

ABC3: April 5, 2022 for 4 weekly 2 hour online sessions via ZOOM. The most comprehensive in-person boating course available. America’s Boating Course gives you the skills you need to enjoy your time on the water and boat with confidence. Taking a boating class reduces your risk of accidents and injuries, saves you money on boat insurance, and qualifies you for a Boaters Safety card in Colorado.
Marine Communications Systems: is tentatively planning to be offered May 9, 2022 for 8 weekly 2 hour sessions via ZOOM, explains the different types of radios and communication options.

Celestial Navigation: planning to be offered early fall in 2022. A must for oceangoing captains, teach you about planning and monitoring your voyage using modern marine electronics and how celestial observations can help you estimate your vessel’s position with confidence.

Please register for the course or courses you are interested in. There is no cost for registration, it ensures that we will hold a spot for you. To register, simply click on the link above and click on “register” for the course you are interested in. The instructor will contact you about course materials and fees as we get closer to the beginning of the course. This is our website and our award-winning newsletter If you have any questions, please contact Arnie Strasser at

Thank you for your interest and Happy Boating!

Would you like to submit a story and photos for the TellTale? Please email them to
PO Box 4308, 300 Marina Drive,
Dillon, CO 80435