Go for launch: the new
The new launched earlier this month to help us tell our district story and become a go-to resource for our community.
Explore new site features, visit the calendar, and tell us what you think!
WE'RE BACK! Celebrating Champions
Congratulations to the following New England Champions Award Winners:
Upcoming event: Massachusetts FLL Celebration, June 11 in Worcester, MA
1st Place: FTC16169, Banana Box from Windham
2nd Place: FTC15534, VERTEX from Exeter
3rd Place: FTC20099, Team Inconceivable! from Peterborough
Upcoming events:
It was amazing to see an FRC field in action again at the Week 0 scrimmage for RAPID REACT on Saturday, Feb. 19. Special thanks to Week 0 hosts: FIRST and FRC509 Red Storm.
- FRC238, the Crusaders from Manchester, NH
- FRC125, the NUTRONs from Boston, MA
- FRC5459, the Ipswich TIGERS from Ipswich, MA
- FRC58, The Riot Crew from South Portland, ME
- FRC5813, Morpheus from Concord, NH
- FRC501 the PowerKnights from Manchester, NH
Upcoming events:
Granite State District Event, March 3–5 in Salem, NH
- Waterbury District Event, March 11–13 in Waterbury, CT
- Pine Tree District Event, March 11–13 in Waterville, ME
- North Shore District Event, March 18–20 in Reading, MA
- Western New England District Event, March 18–20 in Springfield, MA
- Central Mass. District Event, March 25–27 in Shrewsbury, MA
- Greater Boston District Event, March 25–27 in Revere, MA
- Pease ANG District Event, March 31–April 2 in Durham, NH
- WPI District Event, April 8–10 In Worcester, MA
- Hartford District Event, April 8–10 in Hartford, CT
- New England District Championship, April 13-16 in West Springfield, MA
NE FIRST takes the safety of our teams, volunteers and staff very seriously and we are working hard to ensure the safest possible in-person FRC events for all attendees. Our protocols are posted to plan for a safe and successful in-person FRC season for 2022.
Volunteers make up 99% of the FIRST workforce. Whether you have a weekend to help or just a day, have technical or non- technical expertise, there is a volunteer role suited to your unique interest.
Ellen McIsaac
Lockheed Martin
Ellen is an alum of FRC 1124, the ÜberBots, from Avon, CT. She studied Materials Science & Engineering at MIT, which led her to a career in the aerospace industry. She currently works as a Materials & Processes Engineering Manager at Lockheed Martin in Palmdale, CA. Ellen has been an avid volunteer at FIRST events in New England and California for 15 years, supporting FRC, FTC, and FLL in a variety (at least 10!) of different volunteer roles. She was a co-founder of the Aerospace Valley Regional in Lancaster, CA. She encourages all FIRST alumni to pay it forward by volunteering!
Know a FIRST alum who deserves a shout-out? Let us know.
We are always recruiting new teams and mentors to support programs for all ages within our FIRST community:
FIRST Lego League (FLL) PreK-8
FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) 7-12
FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) 9-12
Do you want to help FIRST teams build their skills during the off-season?
Do you know a school that wants to start a FIRST team?
THANK YOU to our 2022 Season Sponsors!
Stay connected with NE FIRST