Dear District 91 Constituents & Friends: | |
I hope that you are keeping cool in this early summer heat. You are receiving this email because you've written to my office, or because you signed up for this newsletter. I write to give you a brief update on the regular legislative session that ended on June 6 and the special redistricting session that ended on June 18. This update is lengthier than usual.
If you, a friend, or family member needs assistance with unemployment, SNAP, the Office of Motor Vehicles, DCFS, LIGA, or any other state benefit or state agency, please email me at or leave a message at (504) 895-2526. My district director, Nicole Hershey, has helped hundreds of constituents, and we will do all we can to assist you.
Also: I am running for State Senate District 5, which will be on your ballot on November 8, 2022. 100% of House District 91 is in this larger senate district, so I would still be your representative in the senate. To find out more, please visit
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The Governor called the legislature back into a special session on June 15 to redraw the proposed Congressional map, as a federal district court judge held that it was racially discriminatory and needed to be redrawn. Despite best efforts by the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus, the Legislature failed to pass a new, non-discriminatory map. The map will be redrawn by the federal judge, although the matter is on appeal to both the Fifth Circuit and the Supreme Court of the United States. | |
The House Democratic Caucus, (pictured above), which includes most of the Orleans Delegation, had a very successful year working on behalf of the people of this state. These victories included: a $1500 pay raise for teachers; a new cap on insulin co-pays of $75 per month; $300 million in new projects to address coastal erosion, drainage, and other pressing concerns; and "whistleblower" protections for law enforcement officers who report bad conduct, just to name a few.
I had several instruments that passed through the Legislature, including ones that will provide direct assistance to the city. Each was a team effort, and I'm thankful to all advocates and colleagues who assisted in helping them to cross the finish line:
Sewerage & Water Board: I set up a task force to examine and offer suggestions on how the New Orleans S&WB can extricate itself from state control or at least, reform the current structure. The S&WB is a frankenstein state entity, created over a hundred years ago. It has encountered so many new statutes, tweaks, and politicians that it is difficult to determine how it can be restructured in a way that would improve the entity.
Hurricane preparedness and protections: I created the Hazard Mitigation Loan Fund, financed with federal dollars, which will be available for home elevations and city/parish drainage and similar projects later this year or early next year. It does not count as a duplication of federal benefits (meaning, it can be used for your personal match, if required). I also passed HB 160, which provides protections to tenants facing eviction after a natural disaster. Both bills passed with bipartisan, unanimous support - not an easy thing to do in the Louisiana Legislature.
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Medical marijuana and employment: I passed the first legislation in Louisiana on employment protections for people with a medical marijuana prescription. Although Louisiana has had an MMJ program for several years, we have no protections in law for workers who use this medicine. I also set up a medical marijuana task force to examine ways that we can expand these employment protections and what other states are doing. Check out this short video of the shortest (successful!) presentation that I've ever made to a Senate committee.
Women, teens, and children: I passed HB 516, which requires public high schools to adopt policies regarding attendance, breastfeeding, and child care for students who are pregnant or parenting. We know that a large amount of teen parents never graduate from high school, and we want to do all we can to help them out, especially now as we wait for the impending Roe decision. Finally, I passed legislation to ensure that 17 year old abuse victims and witnesses are provided the same legal protections as all other minors.
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Valiant efforts: District 91 sent me to the legislature to be an advocate, and that's what I've done since day one. I've passed popular, bipartisan legislation while also giving many of our people the opportunity to tell their stories at the legislature - along with crafting legislation to help New Orleans directly. This year, I filed and presented a bill that would have allowed Orleans Parish to pass its own restrictions on guns; it sadly was killed in committee. Gun violence is plaguing our city, and I was happy to have the support of the NOPD, DA Jason Williams, (pictured here), and Councilmember Eugene Green.
I also filed the first bill that would ban conversion therapy in Louisiana, a tortuous "therapy" that is used to harm LGBTQ children. We had two intense hearings on this before it was killed personally by the Attorney General's office.
If you'd like to learn more about a bill, you can start your research at this link. Bills can be searched by year, author, number, committee, or even by word search. I made a short video that shows how to find a bill on the legislature's website. All committee hearings are posted here as well.
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Special Committee to Investigate the Death of Ronald Greene: I am one of 8 representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House, to be on the Special Committee that is investigating the death of Ronald Greene. Mr. Greene was killed in 2019 while in Louisiana State Police custody. There are many questions and complications surrounding his death, and this committee is examining the incident, as well as LSP's response. The FBI has now opened a civil rights investigation into the LSP, "probing whether troopers have a pattern of using excessive force and discriminating against Black motorists and other people of color." The governor's attendance at the committee was canceled due to the special session. | |
Abortion & reproductive rights: We do not yet know what the Supreme Court's decision will be on Roe, but there are a couple of harmful bills awaiting the governor's signature, including one that is the worst potential post-Roe abortion bill in the country. It provides no exceptions, not even for rape and incest. What this means in practice is that rape victims - even children as young as 10 and 11 - will be forced to continue a pregnancy. This kind of cruelty is unfathomable to most people.
I spoke on my views of reproductive rights at length on the house floor, offered several amendments, and used my experience as a former clinic attorney to question the two legislators presenting the bills - click to watch a video of my efforts on these two bad bills. I also spoke on a call recently with the White House with other state legislators; a few days later, the White House issued a statement on the extremism of Louisiana's latest abortion bill. It is more important now than ever to elect strong advocates on critical issues such as public safety, abortion, and climate change.
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Irish Channel news: JOIN (Jefferson, Orleans, Irish Channel Neighbors for Clean Air) is a group of volunteers from Harvey, the Irish Channel, East Riverside, and surrounding areas who are working to protect and improve air quality in our neighborhoods. To learn more, join up, or donate, please visit at or find them on Facebook.
Hurricane season: Check out for assistance in creating a family plan. They also have a helpful app to do the same.
I am always happy to speak to neighborhood associations, school groups, advocacy groups, or the like.
You can keep up with what I've been doing in the news, and I'm also very active on both Twitter and Instagram.
Stay cool this summer!
Rep. Mandie Landry
Louisiana House
District 91 - New Orleans
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Representative Mandie Landry | Website | |
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