2022 NCALA Trade Show Final Reminders

Good morning! We are looking forward to seeing you next week in Winston-Salem, NC, at the Benton Convention Center. We will be leaving Raleigh early on Monday, October 3. If you need to reach a staff person after October 2, prior to the show, please call OR text Karen on her cellphone at (919) 381-8100. No one will be in the NCALA office to receive your phone calls! Please share this email with your booth attendees.

Registration and Check-in

Please come to the Benton Convention Center, upstairs in Salem Foyer, to receive your Conference and Trade Show materials if you are checking in on Tuesday, October 4. If you are checking in on Wednesday, October 5, please check-in at the Trade Show registration desk, downstairs, in front of Piedmont.


The Trade Show will be downstairs this year in Piedmont. Vendors may load in from the loading dock connected to Piedmont 4. It is located on the Marshall Street side of the Convention Center. Additionally, the front loading zone will be available. The other place to load in is the City Garage, and it connects to the Benton Convention Center on Level 3. Please see the street map (below) for reference.

Dress Code

The dress is business casual. However, please plan for temperature changes that may be beyond our control. Bring a sweater or jacket!

Vendors can park in the city garage that is connected to the Convention Center. They are also able to park in any complimentary parking they can find. Complimentary parking is first come first serve and includes street parking as well as the open lot at the back of the BCC. It sits between Cherry St and Marshall St on 6th street.

Food and Beverage On-Site During Your Stay

At any point during your stay, please help yourselves to the beverage and station upstairs in Salem Foyer (Tues. and Thurs.) or downstairs in Piedmont Foyer (during Weds. morning). Opening night reception and Trade Show raffle reception will have food and beverages available also. Hero Awards luncheon is open to all attendees. Water stations will be placed throughout the trade show floor- due to costs, bottled water is not an option. Due to COVID safety precautions, plastic/paper utensils, cups, and plates may be used.

  • Butcher and Bull (in Marriott) is open for breakfast 6:00 AM–9:00 AM and dinner 5:30 PM–10:00 PM. It is NOT open for lunch.
  • The E’terie (in Embassy) is open nightly from 5:00-9:00. Complimentary breakfast buffet is available from 6:30am-9:30am.
  • Winston-Salem has many dining options off-site, and the Convention & Visitors’ Bureau has city maps and books located at the main entrance desk to the Benton.

Exhibitor Schedule, Setup & Breakdown Times

**Please note, exhibitors are welcome to attend any education session during the conference. A participant schedule will be printed on the back of your name badge. 

Tuesday, October 4

5:00 PM–7:00 PM: Vendor/Member Reception, Sponsor Education Fair, Legislative Update and Silent Auction for the PAC. 

Wednesday, October 5

9:00 AM–1:15 PM: Exhibitor set up in Piedmont Ballroom, downstairs. Please check in at the registration desk.

11:15 AM: Brief Exhibitor Meeting in Piedmont Ballroom at the entrance.

12:00 PM–1:30 PM: Hero Award Lunch and Tributes in Salem Ballroom upstairs (Event sponsors will be recognized and all vendors are invited!)

1:30 PM–4:00 PM: Trade Show in Piedmont Ballroom (downstairs) .

3:15 PM–4:00 PM: Cash bar and hors d’oeuvres; vendor booth prize giveaways; PAC 50/50 Raffle drawing; Education Foundation Raffle in the center aisle (donations are tax-deductible) (2) $500 cash prize drawings.


4:00 PM–6:00 PM:  Booth break-down.


Name Badges

Name tags have already gone to print. Thus, if we have not already been notified of your booth attendees, or if you need to make any changes, please let us know upon check-in so that we may print name badges.

Electrical Requests

If you arrive on-site and have not pre-ordered electricity for your booth, you will need to see the Hollins representative in order to submit a request. Payment will be made directly to the hotel.

Exhibitor Meeting

There will be a very brief exhibitor meeting at 11:15 AM in the Piedmont Ballroom at the front entrance area. Please take the time to fill out the yellow form in your envelope that you receive upon check-in which is for a chance to win a 2023 Trade Show booth FREE! This is to be turned in at the end of the show along with your conference folder, name badges, and pens.


Lunch will be available to all NCALA Exhibitors from 12:00 PM–1:30 PM in Salem Ballroom. Seating is open. However, we recommend that you spread out and sit at various tables to network with the attendees. If you would like to eat quickly and not stay for the awards ceremony, please sit towards the back. Sponsor recognition will begin around 12:15 PM followed by our Hero Awards presentations. We hope that you will stay for this exciting event which includes tributes to each winner! NC DHHS Secretary Kody Kinsley will be joining us this year.


The wi-fi password will be given to you when you check-in for the Trade Show.

Trade Show

The trade show will begin at 1:30 PM and end at 4:00 PM. During the Trade Show, participants who wish to enter to win one of our two $500 cash drawings are required to come by each booth. Please sign their Trade Show Card with your initials using the red pens in your envelope.

Beginning at 3:15 PM–4:00 PM, access to the cash/credit bars will open in the inner circle. At registration, exhibitors will receive 3 free drink tickets per booth. Additional beverages may be purchased.

Exhibitors who have booth prizes are encouraged to text your winners between 3:30–3:45 pm and ask them to come directly to your booth for prize pickup.

Please consider donating to the NCALA PAC! Your donation—in the form of a personal check, personal credit card, or cash—is needed to continue to effectively reach and educate legislators about issues impacting our industry!

Attendee List

You can access the current attendee list here: Attendee List (Excel File)

We do anticipate more online and on-site registrations. A final, complete attendee list will be posted a week after the event, and you will be notified of its location.

Mark your Calendar for 2023!

Our 2023 conference dates are October 3-5 at this same location, with the Trade Show on October 4. You will receive an NCALA Partner Member dues renewal notice in February, which will cover 2023. Booth choices are first come, first served.