We're Dedicated to Turfgrass Advocacy.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Sponsor Today!

We're Dedicated to

Turfgrass Advocacy.

Help Us by Sponsoring the

NYSTA Challenge!

The NYSTA Challenge has been our most successful fundraiser tournament with 21 years of proceeds totaling $219,732.  The proceeds from this year's tournament will support the New York Green Industry Council, 2023 Turfgrass Advocacy Day, and New York Farm Bureau Agricultural Alliance.

The Links at Union Vale

153 North Parliman Road

Lagrangeville, NY 12540

Registration Information Coming Soon!

Co-sponsored by the

New York State Turfgrass Association

and the 

Hudson Valley Golf Course

Superintendents Association

Click Here to Sponsor

To sponsor by mail, click here for a printable sponsor form.

Sponsorship Deadline:  July 31, 2022 

Sponsorship Levels Available:

GOLD - $1,500*

(includes four players)

SILVER - $1,000*

(includes two players)

BRONZE - $750*

(includes one player)

COURSE - $500

(includes one player)

GREEN - $225

TEE - $150

PATRON - $50

Questions? Please contact the NYSTA office at (518) 783-1229 or e-mail Sue VanAmburgh at sue@nysta.mobi.