February 8, 2022
2022 OMRI Products List©
Dear valued OMRI supplier,

We are pleased to announce that the 2022 OMRI Products List© for USDA organic production is now available! You can access the list in several ways:

Download a digital PDF copy here: 

And you are always welcome to download the web versions of all of the OMRI Products Lists, updated daily:

OMRI Products List

OMRI Canada Products List© 

OMRI Mexico Products List© 

If you would like to request a printed copy of the 2022 OMRI Products List, please send your request to [email protected]. Please be sure to provide your full shipping address and phone number.

Best regards,

Senior Marketing Specialist
(541) 343-7600, ext. 122
OMRI's Mission is to support the growth and trust of the global organic community through expert, independent and transparent verification of input materials, and through education and technical assistance. More about our nonprofit mission.
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