The year is ending. Leading and Following are increasingly taking their place on the world stage. In representative government, at times slim majorities of voters are supporting the imperfect democratic institutions designed to avoid the consolidation of power and its oppressive use. In non-representative government, courageous voices are increasingly raised against the abuses of human rights. In market economies, there is always the dance between the wealth producing power of corporate innovation and the structural impediments to sharing proportionately in that wealth. Where these systems are self-generating and self-correcting, there is reciprocity between leaders and followers, rebalancing inequities, and a fluidity in these roles. Personally, I continue to be blessed with a platform and voice to do my part in advancing an understanding of these dynamics. Read on to learn about recent, current and future milestones in this movement. IF YOU ARE RUSHED FOR TIME, SKIP TO THE END TO LEARN ABOUT THE UPCOMING GLOBAL FOLLOWERSHIP CONFERENCE.