Enter Account: 4838 followed by the # key.
Enter User ID: 456789 followed by the # key.
Enter Password: 456789 followed by the # key.
Enter your Prompt number followed by the # key.
To look up your Prompt #, click on this document:
Press 1 to record.
Press # to start recording and begin speaking after the tone.
Press the # key again to stop the recording.
After you have stopped the recording, you will be given the options:
Press 1 to hear your recording
Press 2 to re-record
Press 3 to save
WARNING: If you do not press 3 to save the recording, it will not be captured and you will have to record it again!
(Note: if there is a recording already with the number you punched in, you may have typed in the wrong number. You do not want to accidently overwrite someone else's recording. If you are confident that you are entering your number correctly, please don't delete the existing entry. Another artist may have made a mistake. Let us know and we will move it to the correct place and then have you record your entry.)
We would appreciate you making your recording by May 10, 2022.
This will give us time to prepare our labels for the exhibit.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Susanne Jones,
Artist Coordinator
Keep spreading the news about Sacred Threads.