Another year and another MUFON Symposium is in the books! Denver was a great success! From our banquet, to our speakers, to our Experiencer workshops and even an upcoming movie preview (not to mention a U.S. Senator joining us there!), a giant thank you goes out to all involved!
There were three memorable quotes we would like to share with you from our presenters.
First, Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center spoke on the increasing use of passive radar in the UFOlogy community. He said “Soon it will not be the UFO community begging the government for information. It will be the government coming to the UFO community for answers!”
Radio show host Dave Scott was speaking on how the U.S. Government and the Media have suddenly changed tunes about coming clean about UFOs. He stated that” While it is important that government and media now take the subject seriously, the real question no one is asking is ‘Why Now?’
Finally, Thom Reed, the 10 year old boy in 1969, abducted with his family in Massachusetts said” MUFON is a wonderful organization that never gets the credit they deserve! If it weren’t for MUFON, the world would never know my story!”
We will also have a full article and many photos published in the September issue of the MUFON Journal.