April 15, 2022

2022 VFC Provider Required Training

As stated in the 2022 VFC Provider Enrollment Agreement, Maryland VFC Providers are required to receive annual educational training. 
The completion of the 2022 educational training is REQUIRED for the following:

  • Responsible Medical Provider;
  • VFC Contact; and
  • Back-up VFC Contact.

All VFC Providers and their staff members must individually complete the evaluation and obtain a certificate of completion to receive credit for each training.

It is recommended that all staff that interact with the VFC Program also complete the training.

The 2022 VFC educational training requirement can be met by completing both of the live, webinar trainings or COMING SOON - the two part online training

All VFC Provider offices must fulfill their VFC educational training requirement by November 3, 2022, in order to be eligible for VFC provider re-enrollment in 2023.

VFC Educational Webinars

The 2022 VFC educational training requirement can be met by completing the two part online training:

1. Welcome Back to Maryland VFC 2022

2. Securing VFC Vaccines

Each educational webinar will be shown once a month, from 12:00 noon - 1:30 pm. 

Both educational webinars must be viewed to fulfill the 2022 VFC educational training requirement.

Please click on the links below to register for 2022 VFC educational training.

Welcome Back to Maryland VFC 2022

Securing VFC Vaccines

Welcome Back to Maryland VFC 2022

Securing VFC Vaccines

Please click here for additional training dates 

Please email, MDH.IZinfo@Maryland.gov, or call the VFC Contact Center if you have any questions.

(410) 274-6240 - Baltimore; Baltimore City; Harford; Howard
(410) 299-5647 - Frederick; Montgomery; Prince George's
(410) 404-4128 - All other counties                 

Maryland Vaccines for Children Program