VSBA Board of Distinction
The VSBA seeks to identify school boards that will be designated as a VSBA Board of Distinction. Boards must apply for the designation and must meet specific requirements in four key areas: planning, policy, promotion, and board development. If eligible, the board will receive a plaque to hang on the wall of their boardroom designating the board as a VSBA Board of Distinction. Designation as a VSBA Board of Distinction may be accomplished by the chair, with the approval of the board, completing and returning the checklist and supporting materials by July 20, 2022. Once a school board has achieved this designation, it may reapply after two years for continued VSBA Board of Distinction status. The announcement of the recipients and presentation of award plaques will be made during the VSBA Annual Convention in November.
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2022 VSBA Board of Distinction
VSBA Regional School Board Member of the Year
The VSBA seeks to recognize one outstanding school board member from each of the nine VSBA regions who exemplifies local involvement in promoting student achievement. Nominees must be or have been a board member serving on a VSBA member school board within the preceding 12 months ending June 30, 2022. Local school boards may establish the process by which they identify candidates for nomination. The VSBA panel of judges will accept one nomination from each school board, and that nomination must be based on a discussion by and unanimous vote of the school board. The announcement of the winners and presentation of award plaques will be made during the VSBA Annual Convention in November.
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2022 VSBA Regional School Board Member of The Year
VSBA School Board of the Year
Each year, one outstanding local school board is named the VSBA School Board of the Year to recognize its efforts. Nominated school boards must be members of VSBA at the time of nomination and selection. A board can be nominated by the superintendent or by the board chair with the prior approval of the board. The announcement of the winner and presentation of the award plaque will be made during the VSBA Annual Convention in November.
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2022 VSBA School Board of The Year
For Questions, please contact Brittany Moore, Membership Services Coordinator at [email protected] or by calling 434-295-8722.