El Paso (Edge of Texas Region) holds meet and greet meetings each month at different location around El Paso.
A meet and greet was held in October and November with a great turnout each meeting.
For December, the region will be holding an all day event one Friday Dec 30 with free presentations on taxes, retirement planning, social media marketing and planning for the new year. For more information about these meetings, contact Matthew Manriquez, Veronica Ortega, or Monica Garza (edgeoftexas.amtatx@gmail.com) or check out the calendar on our website.
North Houston Region has held several meeting in October and November. Unfortunately, due to the illness of the coordinator, one meeting had to be cancelled. We now have two co-coordinators in the region to prevent such a problem from occurring in the future. No meeting will be held in December to allow for holiday preparations and parties, but will begin again in January. For more information about these meetings, contact David Falknor or Victor Roberts (nwhoustonregion.amtatx@gmail.com) or check out the calendar on our website.
The Brownwood region has held several meetings at two different locations. The community continues to grow, providing more support for the community. We also now have 3 co-coordinators in the region to help provide more opportunities for events. For more information about these meetings, contact Jackye McAnn, Kristina Johnson, or Julia Hanh (brownwoodregion.amtatx@gmail.com) or check out the calendar on our website.
The North Austin region has had several meetings and had to cancel one meeting due to family emergency. We now have 3 co-coordinators helping to provide additional event opportunities. The December meeting focused on Therapist to Therapist sharing of techniques at the beautiful clinic of Katrina Augostini, Feel Damn Good Massage.
The meeting in January will include hosting a presentation by a CPA on record keeping for taxes. For more information about these meetings, contact Tamica Scott-Tipton, Katherine Brady, or Elicia Baker-Rogers(northaustinregion.amtatx@gmail.com) or check out the calendar on our website.
The Heart of Texas region held their first meeting in November with an excellent turnout. The community is rapidly growing in the area. No meeting is being held in December to allow for holiday planning and parties but the next meeting on Jan 2 will focus on setting intention for the coming year and discussing the CE class to be offered in the area in March. For more information about these meetings, contact Kacie Owens or Susanne Luckey-Rimberg (heartoftexasregion.amtatx@gmail.com) or check out the calendar on our website.
The Coastal Bend region has been very excited to bring together community for support and education. There are 3 co-coordinators working to create events for the area.
The first event—Jingle and Mingle— will be Dec 18. There are already 11 people registered and there is still time to sing up and enjoy helping to build the community in the area. For more information about these meetings and events, contact Amy Suriz, Jennifer Cardona, or Erick Reyes (coastalregion.amtatx@gmail.com) or check out the calendar on our website.
The Southeast Houston region will be starting up in January to bring support and education to the area south and east of Houston. There are three co-coordinators working to bring this region together at events and meetings. For more information about these meetings and events, contact Aurie Williams, Vondalyn Hall, or Carolyn Speer (sehouston.amtatx@gmai.com)or check out the calendar on our website.