November 14, 2022

FRP Connections:

YTD New Business Reports

FRP Team,

As we head into the busy holiday season, with two months left in the year, we're happy to report we have reached an impressive 81.1% of our 2022 new business goal and 86.6% of our new business referral goal.

As always, please take advantage of the growing number of service solutions and resources on the FRP Intranet/Toolbox to assist with cross-collaborating, carrier marketing, presentations and more.

Click on the image tiles below to view details on the latest leaderboards for FRP's President's Club, Top 100 New Business Report and Top 10 Referrals.

Here are the YTD New Business numbers at a glance.

2022 YTD: January to October

New Business Goal: $50M

Total New Business Revenue: $40.6M

% of New Business Goal: 81.1%

Top 100 Producers Revenue: $19.5M


Cross Collaboration Goal: $3M

Total New Business Referrals: $2.6M

% of Cross Collaboration Goal: 86.6%

Top 10 New Business Referrals: $1.9M

Thank you,

FRP Leadership