The Angels In Heaven Are Rejoicing – July 19, 2023

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Dear Family, Friends, Partners in Ministry,


I am sitting here at my desk this morning and reflecting on the peace and joy that has filled my heart as I reflect on this past Sunday and I have felt compelled to write this newsletter update and give you a chance to rejoice with us knowing that God is using your donations and your prayers and your partnership with us to truly make an impact on people’s lives here in Northern Thailand. Not only does your gifts and donations go to help support us but they also go to support our Thai national staff who serve the Lord with all their heart.


Most of you know Ja and know of her loving and caring heart. We just celebrated her serving God with us for the last 20 years on June 1st.

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Ja is more than our finance/accounting person even though she does that role well. She also serves as one of our key “mentors” for the first generation of believers that come to know Jesus here and also serves as an excellent children’s teacher and helps us head up our Thai Children’s church. 

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This last Sunday July 16, Ja had around 40 children (grades 1-6) in Thai children’s church. She was teaching on the subject of the Kingdom of God and how Jesus instructed His disciples to not forbid the children from coming to Jesus but that the Kingdom of God welcomes the little children to come to Jesus. It was in this context that Ja felt the presence of God and felt an urge in her heart to explain the gospel and invite any of these children that wanted to accept Jesus as Savior and come into the Kingdom of God. God was truly moving in the hearts of these children and eleven (11) of the forty (40) children repented of their sins and trusted in Jesus as their Savior. Wow. The Bible tells us that the angels in heaven rejoice over 1 person who repents and turns to Jesus. Well, it is with great joy that we share with you that not 1, not 2, not 3, but 11 children repented and turned to Jesus and had their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life this past Sunday.


God is truly moving in the hearts of people in Northern Thailand and we here at Baan Athitaan Church in Chiangrai Thailand have said to our Lord, “Here we are, Lord, use us. We want to join you in what you are doing in the lives of people.”


As you think about missions, please remember Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM) and all the Christian organizations that are connected with NTIM.


Please also remember to pray for me as a Bible teacher. One of the most important things that I do as the Pastor of Baan Athitaan Church is to seek God’s counsel about what God wants us to Study together on Sunday mornings. I have about 30 minutes every week to speak to our church family. Sometimes we study through a book like we just finished studying through Proverbs. Sometimes we might take a theme and look at that. About 10 years ago, A Bible teacher went through and counted the different subjects Jesus taught on and the counted how often Jesus taught on those subjects. Then he published this information on a post that we are going to use simply to identify the top 16 topics we are going to look at over the next 16 weeks.


Please pray for us as we started this 16 Topic series this last Sunday. Here is a link to the message from this last Sunday which was on the most often taught on subject by Jesus: God.


Here is the youtube link. 

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Closing Personal Thoughts from Michael.

“My heart is full today as I have taken some time to reflect over the last 47 years that I have been a follower of Jesus Christ and I just want to say to the Lord in this public setting "Great is thy Faithfulness, Lord unto me. Thank you for letting me be a child of God and letting me be an ambassador for You to this great country of Thailand for the last 24 years of my life. I can truly say from my heart along with the writer of Lamentations that "The Lord's loving kindnesses indeed never cease and His mercy never fails. They are new every morning and great is His faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23. I can also affirm what Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 17:7 that "Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him."


Please remember to pray for us as we continue in obedience to seek to join God in what He is doing and wants to do here in Northern Thailand.


Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support as we together join God in His great work of Redemption of the Nations, especially here in the heart of lostness in Southeast Asia. 

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May God richly bless you. Thank you for your generosity and for sending us to Thailand. Any gift you would like to make to our normal, everyday ministry, no matter how small or how large, helps us reach and disciple people whom many are the first persons in their entire families to know Jesus Christ.

Until the People in and around Northern Thailand know Him,

Michael for the team


“Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Habakkuk 1:5


Financial support can be given through NTIM....

Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM), P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260 USA

Main Website:

NTIM is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization based in the USA. We are committed to connecting people in need with people who care and are focused in the heart of Southeast Asia where poverty is high, education is low, needs are great, unreached people groups (UPGs) are all around us, and the love and message of Jesus is needed to transform lives. 

All donations made to NTIM are tax deductible and can be made either online at or mailed to NTIM, P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260

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