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2023 Bishop's Book of Dreams

Conversations in Hope

Hope's Space at St. Paul's, Sacramento

By Michelle Karimi

Monday, November 27, 2023

Campaign Funding Goal: $3,000

Hope's Space needs your support! Hope's Space connects the community of St. Paul's Episcopal Church with the broader community of Sacramento and beyond through music, art, conversation, and movement. Within the sanctuary's stone walls, unhoused people, convention-goers, office workers, downtown residents and parishioners from outlying areas gather in fellowship and see Jesus in one another.

Conversations in Hope is a new program to launch in 2024. Inspired by the Faith X discussion book Having Nothing, Possessing Everything by Michael Mather, the hope is to tap unrecognized figures in our immediate neighborhood and provide an opportunity for their knowledge to be heard. Speakers will be invited to speak about issues pertinent to the times and to the community. These will not always be experts or luminaries, but sometimes ordinary people sharing challenges and joys they face, and the ways they cope. Conversations in Hope will reinvigorate St. Paul's legacy as a downtown nexus for exploring ideas, sharing gifts, and going forth into the world rejoicing. Each Conversation, in addition to highlighting the guest speaker's expertise, will include a few questions for them about the role faith plays in the work they do.

How will funds raised from the appeal help?

Appeal funds will help pay salary for the Hope's Space Director (a position now funded at just 5 hours/week and only through 2023). The funds will also help being able to offer an honorarium to guest speakers.

Will you support Conversation in Hope at

St. Paul's, Sacramento?

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

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