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2023 Bishop's Book of Dreams

Episcopal Foundation of Northern California

By Michelle Karimi

Friday, December 7, 2023

Campaign Funding Goal: $25,000

The Foundation needs your support! The Foundation was chartered in 1983 with a mission to complement and enhance the existing philanthropic efforts within the Diocese. We oversee a cluster of investment funds that have been established by bequests and donations from individuals for the benefit of their parishes and the Foundation. Since its inception, the Foundation has facilitated transferring gifts from individuals to parishes and organizations within our Diocese. The Foundation also administers a number of grant programs, through which we are able to make much­ needed gifts of funds to organizations in our Diocese.

When we help parishioners establish an endowment fund for their church, we help them enrich their stewardship and discipleship by committing to a long-term, meaningful legacy gift that will live long after them. Grants, made both in the name of a grantor who established a legacy fund, or directly from the Foundation's own reserves, helps those who receive these funds to be more empowered in their ministries in their local communities. Their investments of time and effort do indeed transform their communities in the name of Christ.

The Foundation's goal is to give as much funding as is prudently possible to as many ministries - large and small, ongoing and start-up - as we can, so that the combined visions of transformation shared by all ministries in this Diocese may be realized. The more funding we have to spend, the greater our support can be.

How will funds raised from the appeal help?

The Foundation is asking donors to help support our grant programs, which are funded by the Foundation's own unrestricted assets.

What grant programs are available?

Mustard Seed Grants: Began in 2020, are $500 grants to promote and support small ministries at the congregation level in our Diocese. These grants are available to parishes, missions, and other Episcopal organizations in the Diocese.

Foundation Grants: The Foundation has granted over $300,000 to this grant program over the last three years to help our faith communities realize our diocesan mission. We were thrilled to have been able to award grants to over 30 different parishes to support an amazing array of ministries. With sufficient funding, we can continue our mission of helping parishes in this diocese thrive.

Will you support the Episcopal Foundation of Northern California?

The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ

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