Campaign Funding Goal: $10,000
FaithWorks needs your support! FaithWorks Community Coalition has been operating non-conventional transitional and permanent housing programs for unhoused families and veterans since 2006. In 2020, they added additional programming to help stabilize low income households to prevent them from becoming unhoused. With a leadership team of program alumni, FaithWorks is heavily rooted in the miracles that the Lord performs and invested in rebuilding lives. With the support of local churches, donors, and volunteers, they provide unique, loving, and supportive services investing in people who are in need. Prayerfully leading by example, FaithWorks provides shelter, case management, hands on education, spiritual support, evidence-based curriculums, food pantry, utility assistance, clothing and other supports critical to obtaining stability to help pave the way for lasting change.
Through their Francis Court programs, they are intentionally focusing on taking better care of children while assisting parents in healing from past traumas. FaithWorks currently houses 85 formerly unhoused parents, children and veterans, and serves an additional 32 at-risk individuals through their Options Homeless Prevention Program. In addition, they take part in a variety of county wide projects helping to transform the community. In a time when "faith" is heavily questioned, FaithWorks proudly carries its name, because everything it does is through the power of Christ, and it aims to let their lights shine throughout the community.
How will funds raised from the appeal help?
Since the pandemic, FaithWorks has seen a decrease in church donations, which was a primary sustaining factor. They have continued to trust the Lord as their provider and know that He has a plan. Rather than scale back services, they have done the opposite and moved forward showing up for people in their times of need. Securing appeal funding will help lighten the burdens associated with the new financial norms and allow them to continue to generously provide quality supportive services.
Appeal funds will go towards the purchase of beds, bedding (sheets, pillows, comforters), dressers and other items that are challenging to gather when a new homeless family or veteran is on their way into their programs. All participants who exit their programs and move onto permanent housing are able to take all of the furnishings with them to their new home. Additionally, funds will help keep the food, hygiene and children's pantries stocked and ready to assist people experiencing a challenging time. In past years, FaithWorks has distributed between $4,000 to $8,000 worth of food and necessities amongst the needy in our community. In times where donations or grant opportunities are not available, FaithWorks purchases items with their general funds which is unsustainable long term.