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2023 Bishop's Book of Dreams

Project (RE)Start Disaster Bins

By Michelle Karimi

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Campaign Funding Goal: $4,000

St. John's in Chico needs your support! St. John's, want to help their community by purchasing Project (Re)Start disaster bins and supplies for those displaced by disasters. These disaster bins would be filled with necessary items to be utilized by survivors of both natural and human-caused events that displace individuals and families from their homes. These items would be collected and dispersed to local assistance centers for those who have been able to secure a safe place to begin building resiliency through the act of having items available to normalize their current situation, as well as to help offset the cost of their displacement.

This program has proven to be successful in our diocese. It has had far-reaching impacts throughout Northern California. As a result of this successful program, we have the ability to extend our capabilities to help and serve more of our brothers and sisters in need. Our baptismal covenant states we will love God, and that we will love our neighbors as ourselves. St. John's wants to step up to the challenges that are present, especially as climate change has been a prominent factor in why and how we address the changes that affect those that we are asked to love. We need to be prepared to meet the challenges.

How will funds raised from the appeal help?

Funds received through this appeal would allow St. John's to serve a larger population of those in need. Not only would they respond to those affected by natural disasters, but they could be a part of the collaborative work within the community that are helping to lift individuals and families out of poverty, improve quality of life, and build up resilience throughout our struggling county, and beyond. We need to work collaboratively with agencies to build trust, and to save lives.

Currently, St. John's is working strictly with donations from their own congregation and community members. Though this has had success, it does not necessarily have a steady flow to meet the needs. St. John's would use appeal funds as a stopgap during the "dry" times of donations. They would supplement to purchase necessary items "as needed" while still maintaining a safety net of supplies for the unexpected times that deplete our supplies. They would also use the funds to make a large purchase of bins, to help off-set the cost of filling the bins with needed items, allowing donors to focus on the supplies rather than the bin costs, lowering their financial expenditure while still maintaining a collaborative connection.

We hope you will make a gift to this or other programs/ministries from the 2023 Book of Dreams in honor of someone's birthday, memory, anniversary, or a special holiday, and join us in giving thanks to the Giver of all good news, Jesus Christ.

Will you help survivors of natural disasters and other life altering events?


Click the purple "Give" button above


Payable to: EFNC

Mail to: Episcopal Foundation of Northern California

350 University Ave, Suite 280 Sacramento, CA 95825

Memo: 2023 Book of Dreams (specify program/ministry)

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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

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