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Changes are coming with the updated 8th Edition (2023) Florida Building Code effective December 31, 2023. Total Solutions Group is your trusted partner for a smooth transition.

In this first update, we will cover the key points of Chapter 2 Wind Borne Debris definition change.

Stay tuned for more in our "Building Code 2023: Stay Ahead of the Curve" series.

Thank you for choosing Total Solutions Group as your trusted partner.

Best regards,

Mike Keesee & Carl Brown

TSG Founders

Wind Borne Debris Protection Requirements

Are you involved in building homes in areas where the wind speed exceeds 130 mph (ult) with Exposure "D" Conditions? If so, the new Code mandates that openings must be protected from Wind Borne Debris. To help you better understand the implications of this requirement, we've included a windspeed map with the new additional highlighted areas between 130 and 140 mph where this will apply. See note 7 on figure R301.2(3).

*Disclaimer - We are waiting on approval for a Declaratory Statement from the code commission to have this apply to only projects with an exposure "D" classification.

Section R202 Definition

WINDBORNE DEBRIS REGION. Areas within hurricane-prone regions located in accordance with one of the following:

  1. Within 1 mile (1.61 km) of the mean high water line where an Exposure D condition exists upwind at the waterline and the ultimate design wind speed, Vult, is 130 mph (58 m/s) or greater.
  2. In areas where the ultimate design wind speed, Vult, is 140 mph (63.6 m/s) or greater; or Hawaii.

We also want to provide you with easy access to essential sources:

  1. FEMA's Resource Portal: Link to FEMA's Resource Portal
  2. Florida Residential Code 2023: Link to Chapter 2
  3. Florida Residential Code 2023: Link to Chapter 3 - Section R301.2

For a more interactive windspeed analysis, you can visit:

  1. References ASCE7-22: Link to ASCE7 Hazard Tool
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