CAIS Student Holiday Artwork

November 15, 2023

Dear CAIS Community, 

CAIS Schools are filled with beautiful and inspiring artwork. Every year, as the festive season approaches, we ask for help to find a holiday celebration drawing to feature on our digital holiday communication that will go out to our entire community.

Please share this request with your art teachers or anyone in your school who might wish to participate.

Submission Guidelines:

Any student in a CAIS School can submit a piece (limit one per student, please!) for consideration. Artists may use crayons, felt, pencil, pen or paint.

How to Submit:

Ensure submissions are captured with high-quality, high-resolution scans or photographs.

File naming convention: Please name your files using the following format: [Student's first name][Initial of last name]-[School name]-Grade [X]. For example, 'CharlotteF-Happy Day School-Grade 2.

Upload Artwork Here

Submission deadline: December 7

Canadian Accredited Independent Schools