A letter from the President
Welcome to Summer 2023!
I’m Pat McDonald, the new Alumni Association Board President, formerly the VP of membership and chair of the auction committee. Once I even had the honor of carrying a banner in the parade--surprisingly heavy. After 29 years as a library media specialist, I just retired from a six-year term as the President of the Friends of the Library Board in my hometown of Ann Arbor, so I guess you could say books are my life.
Inspired by this year’s CLSC theme, IMAGINATION, the new CLSC Alumni Association Board has spent our off-season time reimagining our organization and our summer offerings, creating new events and opportunities for you. With the addition of talented new members to our board, you will see some dynamic changes—our newly-redesigned newsletter, a reimagined Gala event and new merchandise just for a start.
Join us any morning on the porch of Alumni Hall for coffee and conversation.
Pat McDonald
CLSC Alumni Association