Delta County Board of REALTORS

2023 Board of Directors Ballot

There are three Director positions open and three Director nominees, as determined by the DCBOR Nominating Committee. Accordingly, the following members will be appointed as DCBOR Directors for a two-year term ending in 2025:

  • Karri McLeod
  • Wendi Kurtz
  • Mike Jackson

The following Directors will complete their two-year terms in 2024:

  • Marsh Bryan
  • Kelly Landen



For the past three years, I’ve felt a calling to step forward in leadership and to learn what this means. In 2021, I was lucky enough to attend my first CAR Fall Summit in Colorado Springs. The networking and information I received was enlightening and motivating. Since that time, I’ve attended two more CAR conferences and was accepted into the 2023 CAR Leadership Academy which involved trips to Denver including REALTOR® Day at the Capitol, Spokesperson Training and the CAR Spring 2023 Summit. Graduating from the program took a lot of time and effort and I feel proud I was asked to join. I have a passion for ethics, education and upholding the value of the R®. My goals as incoming president will include more community involvement, membership involvement and board transparency. As your incoming president, I would be honored to continue serving our board, stepping up and showing up in leadership.



My name is Alisa Green and I am looking to fill the position of Chair Elect for the Delta County Board of REALTORS®. My objective is to maximize what the board can do for its members through technology optimization, increasing member participation and including the REALTOR® community in the growth of Delta County. Since REALTORS® play a significant role within the community, I believe both community involvement and partaking in decision making plays a key role in our daily businesses. I would love to see an increase in benefits that members take away from the Board. Support of the members is an important part of why I chose to be involved with this position. I believe the Board should be working for the REALTORS® that support it. I would like to encourage member engagement so that the board can acquire and share the knowledge that is important to all those involved. I bring to the table the drive to help improve upon these topics by working with the Board to create new and innovative ideas and communication.

Please vote for one 2023/4 DCBOR Chair-Elect candidate.
Carrie Soto
Alisa Green

This year's Installation will be at The Yard (putt-putt place in Delta)!

SAVE THE DATE: September 13, 2023