Start the New Year and follow your Desire to Deepen your Relationship with God.
This retreat invites you to experience the intimacy of God’s unconditional love for you. It adapts material from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola whose contemplative practices have enlivened and transformed the lives of countless participants for over four Centuries. The retreat is open to all men and women of all denominations and no prior experience with Ignatian Spirituality is necessary. Participants will seek to deepen their personal relationship with God/Christ by using the “Ignatian Prayer Method” of praying with Scripture and experiencing & allowing those passages to speak to your life experience. This retreat provides you an opportunity to take time to move more deeply into relationship with Christ. “Who is Christ for You?”
This 6 week at-home online retreat includes a series of daily prayer “exercises” which helps participants to experience God’s love, and to live more wholeheartedly out of that love. Ignatian Spirituality calls men and women to be “Contemplatives in Action” and develop a “spiritual attitude” as a way to become more aware of God’s presence in their home, workplace, families, communities, and in themselves. Each retreatant will be assigned a personal spiritual director who will meet 1:1 weekly with you throughout your retreat.
- Participants are asked to pray 30-40 minutes a day with passages that your spiritual director will assign weekly.
- Use a journal to record your reflections after each prayer period (10-15min).
- Meet once a week for 50 minutes with one of the retreat’s spiritual directors. Times to meet weekly will be determined on an individual basis according to retreatant and spiritual director’s schedules.
Spiritual Directors for the Ignatian Retreat; Kathy Tosney and Lisa Downs
Opening Group meeting is: January 3, 7 - 8 p.m. E.T.
Deadline to register is December 22nd. Space is limited so please register early.
Marjory Zoet Banson, Presenter
January 12 7-9pm, January 13th 9am-12pm, 3-5pm, and 7-9pm
As the new year begins, how is your call changing? If you have felt a sense of call spiraling through your life, taking different forms at different stages, then every round of call can be rich with completion and newness as we shed old fears and attend to the work that is truly ours to do. And if you’ve never felt a sense of call, this retreat might offer some help with that too.
Is there meaning and purpose you have not yet explored? A nudge you have ignored? Things you need to release? Relationships to heal? Later years are a time of integration, of simplifying activities to find the essence we were born with, now shaped by the lived experience that we’ve had.
This retreat will give you some tools to explore the Spiral of Call in the company of others on the same path. Our focus will be on the inward and outward dimensions of what to do with the time we have left.