
June, 2023

Reflective Supervision

Updates From Us

We're thrilled to share some exciting updates on all the great things happening at Oregon Infant Mental Health Association (ORIMHA) this month.

We are seeking four motivated members of ORIMHA to participate in our first cohort of Early Childhood Mental Health endorsees!

-Do you work primarily with preschool aged children and families?

-Are you passionate about building capacity in our early childhood mental health system?

-Are you committed to getting endorsed?

If you answered yes to these questions, please send an email to

We have exciting news to share!

ORIMHA Endorsement will be activity funded under the Betty Gray Scholarship for educators working in a licensed facility, in license-exempt care, tribal child care, and preschool/baby promise programs!

This will take effect in July.

Stay tuned for more information.


Endorsement Spotlight:

This month we would like to shine light on the Infant Mental Health Endorsement.

Since its creation in 2002, the Infant Mental Health Endorsement (IMH-E®) has evolved to meet the needs of the infant-early childhood mental health (IECMH)-informed workforce.

Click the link below to learn more about the History and Evolution of the Infant Mental Health Endorsement.

Learn More


to our new endorsees:

Bobbi Grace

Cristie Green

Rachel Thome

Shannon Armstrong

Lori Colvin

Jessica Hines

Cheryl Hill

Ava Manasco


Be a voice for babies, families, and the community.

Make a donation today.



Did you know ORIMHA offers virtual support office hours in both English and Spanish? Click the link below for more information.

Virtual Office Hours

Upcoming Trainings and Events:

Northwest Early Learning & Pyramid Summit

Early Bird Registration ends July 30! The 2023 Northwest Early Learning and Pyramid Model Summit invites early childhood administrators, coaches, behavior specialists, educators and state teams to come together for in-depth learning and networking to promote young children's social emotional development and equity in early learning.

Learn More

TWO FREE Virtual Reflective Community Offerings

Coming Summer 2023! Apply today to join a virtual Reflective Racial Affinity or IECMHC Community Practice group! Groups will be lead by early childhood leaders from across the country who are in facilitation training with Dr. Eva Marie Shivers of Indigo Cultural Center.

Learn More

Contact Us:

Membership Support:

Endorsement Support:

Remember to like and follow us on Facebook!
